Monday 3 June 2024

A Lost Art Form?

A sticker (in my native tongue!)

Speaks of passion on the run:


This plaintive cri de coeur still shocks …


We miss the postman in our street;

Email and on-line can’t compete

But I have noticed, haven’t you?

That letter boxes now are few.


With BPOST keen to save a buck

And all stamp prices going up

A birthday card now seems to be

A rare event – a luxury…


A treasured art form long ago

When deliveries were slow

Cards were read then stashed away

A form of romance gone astray…


I buy a card and damn the trend:

Pen special poem to my friend…

Cards seem old-fashioned, out-of-date

But still bring joy by breakfast plate!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sarah, what a beautiful poem, and so spot on. It is a fact that the art of sending cards or letters via "snail mail" is a lost art form. And I'm trilled that today, I received your poetry book with a handwriten card of my good firend Cheryl via Bpost :-):-). I treasure both. Thea .
