Friday 14 June 2024

A Quandary in June!

My blank screen glares, gives me a fright

What to write to make things bright?

The sun is sulking and displays

No intention to beam rays!


Rain-filled clouds, be-puddled streets

My urge to take a walk depletes …

For office workers – no big deal

They can’t know how lone souls feel …


Post breakfast, we oft scan the skies

Fingers-crossed for warm sunrise

Our spirit soars when we see flowers …

But lately all we get are showers!


As Brussels has vast cultural flair

Its exhibitions are ‘hors pair’;

I dress up warm, go out front door

What new theme can I explore?

Again it’s windy - but no rain

So, best foot forward – my refrain;

For football fans, their ' tasse de thé’

The Munich Euro match* - today!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* Scotland against Germany - at the Allianz Arena Munich

Result: Germany: 5 Scotland: I


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