Monday 10 June 2024

A Meditation on Election Day

I vote: the queue is slight, it’s quickly done

Then stroll out for a walk in Sunday sun

Old tram tracks*, overgrown, form a green sward

Nearby is Boitsfort’s Fritkot, now restored!


Behind it plastic bins are overflowing!

Place Wiener Market absent; where’s it going?

An impressive banner - well in view - proclaims

Place Archiducs is where the market reigns!


It may be that some locals feel bemused

 Roast chicken stands aren’t here, just voters’ queues!

The sun meanwhile casts warmth upon my face

As small kids rush to swings and fill each place!


A dog, who looking wistful, cannot vote

Scampers by his master, lost, remote …

Then another dog barks loudly, breaks the spell;

Election Day in June** - will all go well?

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* Former terminus of the 93 tram

** June 9th, 2024

The Firtkot is in a converted tram!

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