Wednesday 19 June 2024

Tricks of Memory

Time filters through our hands like sand

Feelings by life’s winds are fanned

At times an image re-appears

Evoking laughter, thought or tears …


A childhood drama, accident

Or maybe passionate event

Is conjured up and never dies;

What prompts it? Who knows?  A surprise!


Our ego plays tricks on our mind

These can be pleasant or unkind

We feel upset - or on a roll;

Our “grey cells” way out of control…


A person* whom we used to know

Whose friendship set our hearts aglow

Arouses thoughts quite bitter-sweet;

His stage performances unique…


Buried deep, such ghosts arise

Emotions catch us, flood our eyes

We relive moments in our past

And realise life goes by too fast …

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* In Memory of Peter Welch, (né Pierre Willems), Belgian jazz musician (27th March, 1947 - 9th June, 2024)

Funeral held on 19th June, 2024