Thursday 30 May 2024

A Snapshot of Namur

Wallonia’s H.Q. is discreet

Where Meuse and Sambre flow by and meet;

Namur in sunshine blessed with flowers

Is picturesque - despite light showers!


On outcrop looms stark citadel

By myriad troops defended well

Fierce sieges many shadows cast

Its Butchers Hall* recounts grim past.


Winding streets where shoppers stroll

‘Biétrumé’ toffees**  are my goal;

Fruit basket carving in quaint square

Namur’s oldest pub***  right here!


Cathedral just beyond our reach

Where Jesuits were wont to preach;

Félicien Rops - a favourite son;

One bronze snail caged, one on the run…


On arch by bridge vast Spanish crest

 War-damaged belfry, stone-faced, next ....

Bold Bourse and Theatre brightly painted;

A brief trip – just to get acquainted!

(c) Poet in the Woods 2024

* now city Museum

***  Le Ratin-Tot founded 1616

Snail artwork

** Local specialty

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