Friday 7 June 2024

Rumours - Royals - Reality

 Great waves of scandal flood the news!

Social media posts confuse

We can’t tell what’s real from fake;

Reflect on trauma of poor Kate!


All world leaders suffer flak

And Royals, targeted – hit back…

While Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram

Stir the pot chez Uncle Sam…


Checking facts is a skilled art;

Hard-pressed journalists impart

Such info as they hope is true

Providing a more measured view.


But as we’re all linked up on-line

Often, they run out of time

To sift and serve in byte-sized pieces;

The rumour mill, well fed, increases…


We lap up horrors every day

Our human minds are wired that way!

Today we’re spoiled – there’s such a glut;

So, good news rarely makes the cut!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

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