Wednesday 5 June 2024

Pre-Election Considerations

It’s time to vote!* Huge placards fill

As elections go for overkill:

Extensive choice – in public places

Hoardings beam with smiling faces…


Leaflets flutter through my door

Promises - in printing small;

With coalitions to arrange,

Will the next five years bring change?


Meanwhile, each day on radio

Hopeful politicians throw

Their well-worn hats into the ring;

I seek the truth amid the din…


Predictions here are hard to make

All want shares in Belgium’s cake

With budget deficit complex

How to feather their new nest?


In Brussels - roadwork projects vast

Absorb our taxes way too fast;

Healthcare needs an influx new

And climate change has strong claims too…


So, as I stand in Sunday’s queue

Deliberating what to do

Will neighbours’ comments give me clues?

The onus lies on me to choose!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* On 9th June, 2024

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