Friday 21 June 2024

A Cloudy Outlook

 Today, just living is a trial!

Though certain things still make me smile:

As frequent walks down Boitsfort way

Meeting neighbours - makes my day!


A chance encounter in the street

With time to spare, a joyful treat!

Exchanging thoughts and points of view …

How do others muddle through?


In this mad world, what still makes sense?

Computer antics make us tense;

Post-Elections – what’s the score

With politics a tug of war?


The world stage sees pow-wows increase;

But what conditions will bring peace?

While ‘Le Foot’* on vast screens plays

Exam time many students plagues…


June sun tries vainly to intrude …

Cloud cover meanwhile sours our mood

Racks of summer clothes – unsold

I’d wear my shorts but it’s too cold …

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* What French speakers call football!

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