Thursday 6 June 2024

Snapshot of Prince Leopold Park

On Thursday, it just came to pass

I inhaled summer – new-mown grass!

On patch of green, fountain at heart

In Prince Leopold’s own park.


This green lung lies in Laeken’s sphere;

Try table tennis in fresh air!

Swings, ropes and climbing frame abound

The STIB bus 88 drives round…


I ponder on this name awhile:

Leopold II would lose his smile

When at ten, his sole son* died

His dynastic hopes denied…


What else? A football game I see

Young lads from school – with referee!

Binbags in bright colours lie

In random piles in streets nearby…


Commune gardeners hone their craft

While workmen lay down a new path…

Serendipity again

In early June in sun, not rain!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

    Prince Leopold Square

Aerial View

* Prince Leopold, Duke of Brabant and Count of Hainault was the 2nd child of King Leopold II (12/6/1859 - 22/01/1869). He died from pneumonia after falling into a pond.

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