Tuesday 25 June 2024

Boitsfort Activities!

Thirteen degrees? No, Thirty-One!

At last, our summer has begun

As the sun shines, our mood soars …

Like butterflies, we flit outdoors!


The school year totters to its end

Rue Neuve invites us all to spend!

In terms of clothes, I am past caring

But let’s give my shorts an airing!


The ‘brocante’ in Rue Middelbourg

Did a roaring trade I heard;

Meeting street friends is a pleasure

Converting one man’s trash to treasure!


The neighbours congregate this week

In our leafy, quiet retreat

To hear the Council’s news and views

On which we comment; what’s to lose?


A friendly atmosphere prevails;

Olivier’s* humour never fails

Where compromise is absolute

To keep the locals in the loop!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* Olivier Deleuze, Bourgmestre of Watermael-Boitsfort

Réunion du quartier held on 24th June, 2024 at the Ecole de la Sapinière

Our leafy, quiet commune


Friday 21 June 2024

A Cloudy Outlook

 Today, just living is a trial!

Though certain things still make me smile:

As frequent walks down Boitsfort way

Meeting neighbours - makes my day!


A chance encounter in the street

With time to spare, a joyful treat!

Exchanging thoughts and points of view …

How do others muddle through?


In this mad world, what still makes sense?

Computer antics make us tense;

Post-Elections – what’s the score

With politics a tug of war?


The world stage sees pow-wows increase;

But what conditions will bring peace?

While ‘Le Foot’* on vast screens plays

Exam time many students plagues…


June sun tries vainly to intrude …

Cloud cover meanwhile sours our mood

Racks of summer clothes – unsold

I’d wear my shorts but it’s too cold …

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* What French speakers call football!

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Bin Maiden to the Fore!

Whether young or old, we lend a hand;

The wheelie-bin must needs be “manned”

Although, in this case it is clear

That pushy Isabella’s here!


Australia’s climate means no frost

But year round, food scraps must be tossed;

So, mindful of the stink they cause

Bins are often kept outdoors!


As Nature’s never far away

A heavy lid keeps ants at bay;

Collections, vital, are quite rare:

Only twice a month I hear.


Consumers, carefree, chuck at will

For recycling or landfill

Leaving Councils to act fast

Collating is an awesome task!


Of course we’d all like to be “green”

As so much wastage is obscene;

Will paper soon replace this plastic

Or is this just a dream fantastic? 

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

Tricks of Memory

Time filters through our hands like sand

Feelings by life’s winds are fanned

At times an image re-appears

Evoking laughter, thought or tears …


A childhood drama, accident

Or maybe passionate event

Is conjured up and never dies;

What prompts it? Who knows?  A surprise!


Our ego plays tricks on our mind

These can be pleasant or unkind

We feel upset - or on a roll;

Our “grey cells” way out of control…


A person* whom we used to know

Whose friendship set our hearts aglow

Arouses thoughts quite bitter-sweet;

His stage performances unique…


Buried deep, such ghosts arise

Emotions catch us, flood our eyes

We relive moments in our past

And realise life goes by too fast …

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* In Memory of Peter Welch, (né Pierre Willems), Belgian jazz musician (27th March, 1947 - 9th June, 2024)

Funeral held on 19th June, 2024

Friday 14 June 2024

A Quandary in June!

My blank screen glares, gives me a fright

What to write to make things bright?

The sun is sulking and displays

No intention to beam rays!


Rain-filled clouds, be-puddled streets

My urge to take a walk depletes …

For office workers – no big deal

They can’t know how lone souls feel …


Post breakfast, we oft scan the skies

Fingers-crossed for warm sunrise

Our spirit soars when we see flowers …

But lately all we get are showers!


As Brussels has vast cultural flair

Its exhibitions are ‘hors pair’;

I dress up warm, go out front door

What new theme can I explore?

Again it’s windy - but no rain

So, best foot forward – my refrain;

For football fans, their ' tasse de thé’

The Munich Euro match* - today!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* Scotland against Germany - at the Allianz Arena Munich

Result: Germany: 5 Scotland: I


Thursday 13 June 2024

Going Walkabout!

“Round the ragged rocks”, I see,

My “ragged rascals ran*”;

The quote is apt so, like a thief,

Let’s steal it for my clan!


Not sand but boulders on this beach

But such fun to explore;

Marine detritus within reach

All washed up on the shore.


A hardy trek in sunny climes

Before a break for tea

Round jagged rocks our Thomas climbs

The family’s on a spree!


The Great Outdoors is where it’s at

Oz has wide-open spaces;

It’s winter - no need for a hat

See joy in their young faces!


Sure-footed, Isabella goes

After some reflexion

Quite determined, Heaven knows

In opposite direction!


(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* A traditional English tongue-twister (slightly adapted)

Àt Marino Rocks Beach - South Austrialia

Picnic time - with Daddy!

Wednesday 12 June 2024

R.I.P. Françoise Hardy (1944-2024)

Parisian Françoise-Madeleine

In Yé-Yé times a household name

In Swinging Sixties caught our mood;

Her lilting lyrics would intrude


In youth’s bright sunrise and new wave;

She knew how boys and girls behave!*

Temps de L’amour tripped off her tongue;

No wonder she was Number One!


With Johnny’s ** rock and Hardy’s voice

French Jeunesse was spoilt for choice!

Her records hit the spot and sold

Like Midas, much she touched turned gold.


Long hair, long love affair with Jacques*** …

Post baby Thomas, she came back

She sang of friendship and lost youth;

Her lyrics held that ring of truth…


Today, by chance, the sad news came

We shall not see her like again;

A much-loved icon, she imparts

The spirit of a time long past…

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* Tous les Garçons et les Filles (June 1962)

* *Johnny Halliday (died 2017)

*** husband singer Jacques Dutronc

(17th Jan 1944 - 11 June, 2024)

Monday 10 June 2024

A Meditation on Election Day

I vote: the queue is slight, it’s quickly done

Then stroll out for a walk in Sunday sun

Old tram tracks*, overgrown, form a green sward

Nearby is Boitsfort’s Fritkot, now restored!


Behind it plastic bins are overflowing!

Place Wiener Market absent; where’s it going?

An impressive banner - well in view - proclaims

Place Archiducs is where the market reigns!


It may be that some locals feel bemused

 Roast chicken stands aren’t here, just voters’ queues!

The sun meanwhile casts warmth upon my face

As small kids rush to swings and fill each place!


A dog, who looking wistful, cannot vote

Scampers by his master, lost, remote …

Then another dog barks loudly, breaks the spell;

Election Day in June** - will all go well?

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* Former terminus of the 93 tram

** June 9th, 2024

The Firtkot is in a converted tram!

Friday 7 June 2024

Rumours - Royals - Reality

 Great waves of scandal flood the news!

Social media posts confuse

We can’t tell what’s real from fake;

Reflect on trauma of poor Kate!


All world leaders suffer flak

And Royals, targeted – hit back…

While Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram

Stir the pot chez Uncle Sam…


Checking facts is a skilled art;

Hard-pressed journalists impart

Such info as they hope is true

Providing a more measured view.


But as we’re all linked up on-line

Often, they run out of time

To sift and serve in byte-sized pieces;

The rumour mill, well fed, increases…


We lap up horrors every day

Our human minds are wired that way!

Today we’re spoiled – there’s such a glut;

So, good news rarely makes the cut!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

Thursday 6 June 2024

Snapshot of Prince Leopold Park

On Thursday, it just came to pass

I inhaled summer – new-mown grass!

On patch of green, fountain at heart

In Prince Leopold’s own park.


This green lung lies in Laeken’s sphere;

Try table tennis in fresh air!

Swings, ropes and climbing frame abound

The STIB bus 88 drives round…


I ponder on this name awhile:

Leopold II would lose his smile

When at ten, his sole son* died

His dynastic hopes denied…


What else? A football game I see

Young lads from school – with referee!

Binbags in bright colours lie

In random piles in streets nearby…


Commune gardeners hone their craft

While workmen lay down a new path…

Serendipity again

In early June in sun, not rain!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

    Prince Leopold Square

Aerial View

* Prince Leopold, Duke of Brabant and Count of Hainault was the 2nd child of King Leopold II (12/6/1859 - 22/01/1869). He died from pneumonia after falling into a pond.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Pre-Election Considerations

It’s time to vote!* Huge placards fill

As elections go for overkill:

Extensive choice – in public places

Hoardings beam with smiling faces…


Leaflets flutter through my door

Promises - in printing small;

With coalitions to arrange,

Will the next five years bring change?


Meanwhile, each day on radio

Hopeful politicians throw

Their well-worn hats into the ring;

I seek the truth amid the din…


Predictions here are hard to make

All want shares in Belgium’s cake

With budget deficit complex

How to feather their new nest?


In Brussels - roadwork projects vast

Absorb our taxes way too fast;

Healthcare needs an influx new

And climate change has strong claims too…


So, as I stand in Sunday’s queue

Deliberating what to do

Will neighbours’ comments give me clues?

The onus lies on me to choose!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* On 9th June, 2024

Monday 3 June 2024

A Lost Art Form?

A sticker (in my native tongue!)

Speaks of passion on the run:


This plaintive cri de coeur still shocks …


We miss the postman in our street;

Email and on-line can’t compete

But I have noticed, haven’t you?

That letter boxes now are few.


With BPOST keen to save a buck

And all stamp prices going up

A birthday card now seems to be

A rare event – a luxury…


A treasured art form long ago

When deliveries were slow

Cards were read then stashed away

A form of romance gone astray…


I buy a card and damn the trend:

Pen special poem to my friend…

Cards seem old-fashioned, out-of-date

But still bring joy by breakfast plate!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024