Saturday 25 August 2018

The Heart of the Matter

Growing old is not a realm for cissies
Health concerns seem more hits than misses
You've sudden aches and pains and memory lack
Your patience starts to falter - why take flak?

Your «Get up and Go», where has it gone?
«I've heard it all before» - a daily song...
More long-term friends begin to disappear
So you start to ask yourself: «Why am I here?»

We've all a role to play and gifts to share
Still time to show our families we care
OK, we may be slower on our feet
But must we always go out and compete?

The French say «lâcher-prise*» is what we need
Just live in the moment, forget greed
As all we own will soon be left behind;
What inspires the most is to be kind...

(c) Poet in the woods 2018

* The art of letting go

1 comment:

  1. So true, Sarah. And the pleasure of giving, whether it be a smile, a gesture, a good turn, an item... helps in that journey.
