Saturday 28 January 2023

On Our Journey

We travel - both in mind and body

Some for work, some as a hobby

Mind and heart are intertwined

 Yet obstacles pop up - unkind.


We overload our brains with “stuff”

Some gems (of course) but also fluff

Fatigue and challenges dismay

But step by step we make our way.


No time allowed to “stop and stare”

Life is movement - have a care!

Ups and downs - joy and distress …

We’re forced to learn as we progress.


As our own history book we write,

We try our best to make it bright

But sometimes shadows block the view

We feel helpless, but pull through.


The point is - there’s no turning back;

Perhaps we’ve stumbled on the track

But life’s a journey – on we go

Its destination we can’t know!

(c) Poet in the woods (2023)

Thursday 26 January 2023

Thoughts on Sicily

Think orange groves and prickly pear

Age-old ruins, floodlit, bare

Tunnel and bridge motorways

Sun-filled hamlets lost in haze

Where donkeys, goats and dark-clothed men

Recall a bandit-time back when

Life was tough and jobs were few

America promised vistas new.


E.U. investments changes make,

But it is hard to ice the cake

As tourist beaches crowd in summer

But winter poverty’s a bummer.

Narrow streets – medieval splendour

Dangerous driving to remember

Temples* reflect Grecian art

Of ancient Sicily a part!


Rough villages in scenic spots

A plethora of towers, church clocks

Steep paved streets that twist and turn

Their ups and downs make stomachs churn!

A gentle green with winter rain

A poignancy words can’t explain

But detritus scattered everywhere:

Shame that the Powers-That-Be don’t care...

(c) Poet in the woods

* at Agrigento and Paestum

Tuesday 24 January 2023

On Taking Steps

True miracle – a child’s first steps;

 But adults also want success

Rising from dark 'black dog' depths

To peerless view – devoid of stress.


Life’s best milestones can be tough;

Worthless is the easy way

Achievers all ooze the right stuff

Putting real grit on display.


You may have failed at first attempt,

But gird  up your loins once more

With determination your intent,

And wings of hope, you soar!


That longed-for prize lies in your grasp

Never won by the faint-hearted

So, knuckle down to your dream task

The time is now - get started!

(c) Poet in the woods 2023




Friday 20 January 2023

On Taking Time Out

Sometimes it’s good to take time out,

Consider what life is about;

Why do we follow dull routines?

What happened to those childhood dreams?


Our hectic schedules banish thought

Each day’s minutiae make us fraught

We toss and turn, lose sleep at night

And worry; will plans turn out right?


Methinks it’s good to pull the plug

Let negativity go “glug”!

As old ideas should be chucked out

To show the world we too have clout!


It does take guts to rock the boat

But hey, such fun to glide and float

And if some squall should come our way

Tomorrow’s sun will chase the grey!


But sitting still and meditating

Never gets a gold star rating;

However, as the Ancients knew,

Our minds rule everything we do!


(c) Poet in the woods 2023

Saturday 7 January 2023

Thomas Turns Nine!

Thumbs up from Thomas who hits nine

Occasioning a brand-new rhyme;

Long-legged lad, who grows apace

Confident with smiling face!


In scouting uniform, he stands

Competent, skilled with his hands;

My nephew shares his birthday date

With Elvis Presley*, all-time great!


But I should admit one thing

I have never heard him sing!

Smart Thomas loves the numbers game

Calculus - his middle name!


Too soon to think of a career;

His mental acumen is clear

He’s fascinated by finance;

This knowledge will his life enhance!

(c) Poet in the woods 2023

*8th January (1935)

Musing on Loss

Posts flood on Facebook - sad demise

Each pal lost is a surprise

Another link in friendship chain

Is broken – life won’t be the same …


At Christmas, it is worse for sure,

In festive times, we mourn them more …

Perhaps, we’ve failed to keep in touch?

At cherished memories we clutch …


What’s past is past, we must move on;

We fall to musing where they’ve gone

Like cobwebs, they’ve been blown away

Let’s hope we’ll all meet up one day …

(c) Poet in the woods 2023


Thursday 5 January 2023

A Fragrant Hope

This new year starts quite dry and mild

As Brussels bomb attacks* are trial-ed;

Benoît XVI is laid to rest ...

Crowds in St. Peter’s Square attest.


Across the Pond, the Speaker’s Chair**

In puzzled Washington stays bare

It’s up for grabs, by all accounts;

In indecision – tension mounts !


Old certainties are washed away

We live in murky times, they say

With Makro closing all its stores

The unemployment rate now soars.


The poet searches for good news

To chase away these new year blues,

And learns of Brussels’ brand new stance

To replace some car-park space – with plants***!

(c) Poet in the woods 2023

* in 2016

** Kevin McCarthy?

*** fragrant plants!

Monday 2 January 2023

January 2nd - Musings

No Boitsfort market in the square;

OK - a few stands were there …

But when New Year on Sunday falls

And cold wind and sudden squalls


Are this January’s fate

The temptation proves too great

To stay at home and stare at screens

Wrapped up warm in old blue jeans…


Perturbed are those with travel plans

On mini-trips to foreign lands

Delays more family journeys blight

As staff, disgruntled, go on strike!


Yet lulls afford time to reflect;

Penned resolutions - ink still wet! -

In pristine diaries find a place;

(Thinks: soon to vanish – without trace!)


We take our “comfort zone” as read;

But there are pathways we could tread

Leading into fields unknown …

The choice, as always, is our own!

(c) Poet in woods 2023