Monday 13 August 2018

Scary Weather Scenario

Today, outside does not look good
There's a fierce wind whisp'ring in the wood
Behind my house; the sky looks bleak:
Rain and maybe storms this week!

Forecasting is no synecure
Too many factors 'in the air'
Thermal currents bring great heat
Sea temperatures just can't compete.

Drought and flood and forest fire,
Now more frequent, all conspire
To make the weathermen despair
As trends, once clear, now disappear!

With nature banished from our towns
Everything now burns or drowns
Extremes, once rare, are commonplace
New measures must be put in place.

The rumour is that Man's at fault
As weather patterns cause a jolt
In the consciousness of many
But solutions are not 'two a penny'!

So much everywhere's not right;
Scientists admit our plight
Is dire - so we must pull together
But how can we control the weather?

(c) Poet in the woods 2018

1 comment:

  1. What a strong poem, Sarah! Great idea to finish a piece of art with an open question! This should trigger immediate actions.
    Small changes generate big effects.
    If all together we change our consumption habits we can change the paradigm. It is called the Butterfly Effect (Edward Lorenz' discovery).
    Let's start today!
    Bruno Knez.
