Friday 29 July 2022

Fast Fashion and Marie Kondo

 We sweat our way through late July

Watching sales-bought clothes go by

In carrier bags from different shops

As acquisition never stops.


But aren’t our closets full enough?

Do we really need more stuff?

De-clutter videos are the rage;

People’s moods are hard to gauge …


Too much, too little? Draw the line!

Fast fashion - only worn one time?

Few items see the light of day

And yet, we can’t throw them away!


It’s all too hard – until at last

We undertake this mammoth task

If it “sparks joy” the ‘Kondo’ way

It’s lucky and it gets to stay.


Otherwise, it’s got to go;

A ‘maybe’ means it has to show

It merits its place with the rest …

But will it pass the “wear me” test?

(c) Poet in the woods 2022

Marie Kondo is a Japanese Organising Consultant (born 1984).

Tuesday 26 July 2022

A Happy Visitor!

 My wisteria blooms at frightening rate

The wind picks up - plumes dissipate

And rivulets of petals flow

Engendering a purple show


Across my clean-swept terrace tiles;

Its gay abandon causing piles

Of disarray in dawning sun …

A gardener’s work is never done!


But as I cast my eyes around

I hear a gentle, buzzing sound

The bees adore Nature’s largesse

And pollinate with joyful zest!


Among the mint plants’ straggling leaves,

Sheltered by my tall pine trees

I stoop, and suddenly observe

That good luck charm – a ladybird!


My terrace is alive and well

And here I like to sit and smell

The fragrance of my blossomed nook

With cup of tea and thrilling book!

(c) Poet in the woods 2022




Tuesday 19 July 2022

Thoughts in the Heat

I sometimes wonder why I write;

But oft my inner thoughts take flight

And bubble through my conscious mind

Not wanting to be left behind …


And so it is, on this hot day;

With many of my friends away

My sticky fingers press the keys

While I gaze out - observe pine trees!


Each day - clean slate; what shall I say?

In this fierce sun my Muse makes hay

As I reflect on world discord:

Some humans frantic – others bored…


How life’s uncertainties surprise

How stress builds up and rules our lives;

But then I think - ‘twas ever thus

We’re always running for that bus!


This unaccustomed heat gives pause

We seek the shade and stay indoors;

Mad summer sales are not for me

As home’s the place I’d rather be!

(c) Poet in the woods 2022

Thursday 14 July 2022


The Hubble has been superceded!

The “James Webb” shows deep Outer Space

Biden claims it has succeeded

Putting Earthlings in their place!


Each pinpoint of light - a star

More galaxies, light years away

Zoom into focus from afar

A tiny speck - our Milky Way!


The Ancients planet orbits saw

Tracking movement with great care;

They formulated their own law

Believed in Gods with powers rare…


But Modern Man has other views

Our high-tech skills belie belief

So, while this telescope makes news

We still don’t know what lies beneath…

(c) Poet in the woods 2022

Sunday 10 July 2022

R.I.P. Shinzo Abe (1954-2022)

A far-off country suffers woes:

Politics treads on our toes;

The four isles of the Rising Sun

Are shocked and stunned by one lone gun!


Here firearms play a minor role

As Japan enforces gun control

But Shinzo Abe on campaign

Is, sadly unprotected, slain!


Friday* - focus of world news!

Perplexity - fierce fight for clues;

Ex-premier - household name at home

Long-term on the world stage known.


Much fumbling for an explanation

In this saddened, grieving Nation

Which, conscious of the bell that tolls,

Nonetheless goes to the polls.


GDP – more on defence?

The point is moot, the mood intense

Alas, we can’t turn back the clock

Japan-the-Pacific takes stock…

(c) Poet in the woods 2022


*8th July, 2022

Shinzo Abe - ex premier of Japan

Friday 8 July 2022

Boris Bows Out!

I hear it on the morning news

I’m half-awake, somewhat confused

But the BBC is up to speed:

Is more Boris what we need?


As Ministers desert in droves

His fate is sealed so off he goes;

That tousled presence, fun but flawed

Meant that one was never bored!


Much happened while he held the reins

Think BREXIT and then COVID strains

Or parties held at Number Ten

The media had a field day then!


In politics, three years go fast

But after sun, dark shadows cast

A hazy mist on his parade

His shining star begins to fade…


A clear-cut case of losing face;

New horses line up for the race;

The jury’s out, we wait to see

Who the new P.M. will be!

(c) Poet in the woods 2022

Tuesday 5 July 2022

Our Personal Computer!

So multi-faceted, our brain

Reflecting fear, desire and pain

Its flexibility intense

Its ability to cope – immense!


First class in terms of rational thought,

It can be hopelessly distraught;

It recognises moods and faces,

Is smart at kicking over traces …


Imbued with powers of concentration

It acts fast - without hesitation

A powerhouse - this human brain

Which runs our daily lives sans strain!


A repository we take for granted

In which our memories are planted;

Dear Brain unique, God-given, free

Robots are no match for Thee!

(c) Poet in the woods 2022

Sunday 3 July 2022

Post-Travel Reflections

Could it be true what people say?

While it is fine to go away,

Explore fine cities, meet old friends

And get on board with fun, new trends,


It’s also great to come back home

And ponder quietly on one’s own …

Three months means nest in layers of dust

So, a big clean-up is a must!


But summer here with long warm days

Combined with jet-lag, cause a daze;

While all is buzzing in Grand-Place

Keen tourists now return – en masse!


Exciting times! We contemplate

The world’s uncertain, changing state:

With climate threats, Hong Kong debate,

The price of gas, Zelensky’s * fate…


Complacency gives way to fear;

Whichever way you look, it’s clear

That airline strikes and monkey pox

Still linger in Pandora’s box!

(c) Poet in the woods 2022

Pandora ...!

* President of Ukraine