Monday 13 May 2024

Musing on Fifty Years!

I did not know in Seventy-Three

When I flew to Brussels, fancy-free

To work in Europe, my new home

And speak French on the telephone…


That fifty years would roll on by

Under an - often rainy – sky;

 I’ve grown deep roots and changed a lot

But Brussels stays my own sweet spot!


Edward Heath had signed us in

The Eurotunnel could begin

Thatcher met with Mitterrand

“Splendid isolation” – gone!


The dream went sour; alas! Alack!

“Our sovereignty, we want it back!”

David's* referendum all hope steals;

Stranded, Brits create new deals!


My thoughts on this I won’t express

But, being Belgian, I protest

Food, style and culture win my vote

As BREXIT UK seems remote

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* 2016 Referendum under PM David Cameron

1 comment:

  1. Robert Grandcourt13 May 2024 at 07:02

    Congratulations fellow Belgian compatriot. As we have become accustomed to your verses, they are so appropriate for this special occasion.
    Robert G
