Monday 20 May 2024

Pentecost - a Meditation

Blue sky Monday, radiant sun!

Time to get some housework done

The windowpanes need a strong wipe

Exhausting - but we need more light!


I empty buckets, rest a while…

Maintaining my house is a trial,

It’s picturesque, at woodland’s edge

Nature’s largesse - wee birds fledge…


Alas, with constant dripping rain

Spring this year has been a strain…

Gold dandelions with nettles fight

While puddles laced with ferns delight.


The world’s in turmoil – Man can’t cope;

War zones from us quite remote

Present themselves on TV screens

And global warming haunts our dreams.


A public holiday - for some

Though local supermarkets hum

Once holy day, with churches full;

Now Mammon has the greater pull!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

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