Wednesday 29 May 2024

An Opportunistic Slug!

Our binmen come by once a week

The eve before – bags in the street

All filled to bursting with debris;

What “chuckers-out” we seem to be!


To avoid night ravages by foxes

The commune gifts us plastic ‘boxes’

Complete with lids to keep scraps in;

Long live our cheerful orange bin!


Our modern truck, once horse-drawn cart

Always makes an early start

It rumbles past; we’re scarce awake

All clear by breakfast - which is great!


My orange bin lay open wide;

A hungry slug had crawled inside

Wet and slimy, like the rain:

I chucked it down a nearby drain!


My woodland enclave in Boitsfort

Whose leafy walks I so adore

Is home to fauna of all kinds

And like today, prompts my wee rhymes!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

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