Saturday 5 October 2024

An October Tapestry

October - tenth month - glows in sun

Misty mornings – summer’s done …

A chilly start to each new day

Where trees sport every shade but grey!


Nature’s cloak of many colours

(Remember Jacob and his brothers?)

Beats any catwalk fashion show

In terms of subtle shades and glow.


I do not mean to denigrate

Modern stylists who are great

But wonder if they’ve honed their craft

From Nature’s palette, which is vast …


The play of sun on burnished leaves

Provides a sheen on Autumn’s sleeves

And moonlight dances on the lake

A ballgown only God can make …


The rich brocade of golden grasses,

Kingfisher blue which briefly passes;

A living tapestry goes by

Captured by this poet’s eye!

(c) poet in the woods 2024

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