Monday 7 October 2024

The Magic Gene!

A commemoration wall with plaque:

St. John’s quaint brick-built church stands back

From winding road in leafy glade

Not far from sun-filled Adelaide.


It’s here we laid dear Dad to rest

His ashes strewn where plaques attest

The many souls who’ve passed away;

Where Isabella stands today…


Though six, born far too late to know

Her Granddad, who’d have loved to show

In long bush walks, his knowledge vast

A nature lover to the last …


But born far back - 1918,

With generation span extreme,

That vital link could not be made …

Though memory reels are often played …


Her Auntie has one fervent wish

Concerning Granddad – it is this:

Dad was a poet, as am I;

Will Isabella one day try …


To express her thoughts in rhyme?

She can write, so it is time

To see if down our family tree

This talent she will share with me!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

St. John's Anglican Church - in the Adelaide Hills


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