Sunday 13 October 2024

Voting for the Commune!

The hoardings were not taken down

Because we have another round

Of posters – in assorted colours

Amalgamated groups – and others!


This time, against October hues

We queue again to give our views

In terms of Province and Commune

In the same venue as June!


The local school* just down my street

Is open now for vote discreet

We need to show our I.D. card;

A quick check – it isn’t hard …


We place our plastic card in slot

Make our language choice, then stop

As lengthy lists appear on screen

With many names I’ve never seen …


No matter - I must now decide;

Perhaps a party I’ve not tried?

I press a button – and ‘tis done;

Tonight, we’ll all be told who’s won!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* Ecole de la Sapinière, Watermael-Boitsfort

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