Sunday 29 September 2024

One-Handed Thoughts

With one hand, one can’t do much

So many objects one can’t clutch:

Cutting meat, opening a jar

And Heavens, you can’t drive your car!


To wash one’s hair, one needs a friend,

Cooking with one hand? New trend!

For bandaged arm needs must stay dry

And most household tasks defy.


But I am lucky as I’ve found

A young lass to clean around

Those nooks and crannies I can’t reach…

How accidents new lessons teach!


Right-handed, I can still pen rhymes

And meditate on troubled times:

Rare visit by the Pope today

Though many faithful stayed away…


The Church in Belgium has mixed press

With women’s rights – the acid test;

Attendance at Mass has declined

Post-COVID, many changed their mind.


Religion, free speech, politics

Have always been a heady mix;

Pope Francis, as his name attests

Is modest and leaves with regrets … 

(c) Poet in the Woods 2024