Tuesday 15 October 2024

On Existence

Ever get the feeling that time flies?

That we are all just butterflies,

Each with his moment in the sun

To hover, flit, spread wings, have fun.


That life is far too short we read,

Although we learn ‘more haste, less speed’

We do not register time passing

All too busy - multi-tasking!


We blink, and youthful days go by

To carefree mode we say goodbye;

Excitement as we earn our crust,

Responsibilities – a must.


Commitments often come too soon

Some may spin their own cocoon;

We pass on knowledge, hone our craft

While juggling hefty overdraft.


Each soul – a splendid butterfly

That briefly charms each passer-by …

We make our mark - but it is brief

In the Book of Life – one leaf …

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

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