Tuesday 13 November 2018

R.I.P. Spider-Man (1922-2018)

In Manhattan, Upper West Side, born
He saw the Great Depression spawn
Unemployment, lack of funds
In a Nation suffering from the glums.

This prolific writer ran
With characters like Spider-Man
Whose Red-and-Blue form hit the screens
And fired up many children's dreams

Exciting plots flowed from his pen:
Dare Devil, Iron Man, X-Men,
Captain America, Doctor Strange
Formed his most amazing range.

Excitement promised on the cover
A world of action like no other
His complex story lines inspired
His artists to keep pace, though tired!

Son of a Romanian refugee
Known by the public as Stan Lee*
He's left us now - aged 95
But his genius comic books survive!

(c) Poet in the woods 2018

* Born Stanley Martin Lieber on 28th December, 1922

Spider-Man created 1962

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