Tuesday 28 April 2015

A Snapshot of Ghent

Bold city of majestic towers
Its belfry proof of civic might
A gigantic bell that tolled the hours
Lively student life at night.

Proud cloth hall in cobbled square,
Flamboyant theatre just close by
Its two-style city hall has flair
An historic pageant meets the eye.

Its ancient port, once source of wealth
Where cloth and grain were weighed and sold
Has much pride in its former self
Its staple hall is really old.

The Count of Flanders here held sway
And castle built, crusader-style
To quell tough rebels in his day
His power was absolute a while.

In long-gone palace, John of Gaunt
Took first breath and did proclaim
His noble origins and flaunt
In England his illustrious name.

Ghent – synonymous with workers' rights
And industrial espionage
Has a chequered history of fights
And power struggles still loom large!

The Scheldt and Lys flow gently past
Butchers' Hall and Rococo home
A whole day walking goes too fast
In the city Horta called his own.

(c) Poet in the woods 2015

The medieval port

John of Gaunt (1340-1399), Military leader and statesman, 3rd son of King Edward III, born in Ghent.

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