Saturday 14 June 2014

A Day along the Dykes

A sunny day – we cross the border
Holland’s like Norfolk only broader
Flat landscape, fertile polders, cows
Criss-crossed by roads, where space allows.

Vlissingen with its herring fleet;
Oud Dorp and Westkapelle greet
Occasional tourists such as us
With friendly smiles; good food – a plus!

Amazing engineering feats
Keep out the sea from village streets.
Huge dykes protect one sixth of land
From flooding, thanks to work of man!

Windmills by pumps are now replaced
As the threat of water must be faced
Around the clock, throughout the year
Global warming a real fear.

But the day was sunny as I said
Picture postcard scenes with bikes that thread
Through towns or down quaint canal track -
Sea-going Nation – I’ll be back!

(c) Poet in the woods 2014

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