Thursday 26 September 2024

Powder Keg Politics

Revenge is such an ugly word,

Vendetta, feud, so sad, absurd

As life is tough at best of times,

Just look at history for signs…


Our planet is all we have got

Why must we its edges rock?

Why can’t people pull together?

Conflict starts at end of tether…


A case in point: the Middle East

Always jeopardising Peace;

A powder keg with a short fuse

Whose politics makes headline news…


On the sidelines, we observe

The creation of huge curve,

Which could, if feelings run too high,

Overwhelm, so more souls die…


Why do we choose to live this way?

Allies form, then slip away

Our chessboard plays resentful pawns

And today this poem spawns!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

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