Tuesday 24 September 2024

Broken Down!

When you’re injured, stuck at home, alone

And your whole world is your home,

You can stare blankly at the sky

Or listen for folks who pass by.


You can perhaps read a good book,

Or doze a while in cushioned nook…

Ring friends and recount your woes,

Or indeed, do none of those…


I broke my wrist, in half-light hall,

A nasty crack, a painful fall

Unexpected, in a rush

I missed my footing, hence this fuss!


I felt myself become a cropper;

Now I’m stitched up good and proper

With time on ‘hand’ to meditate

As my diary’s a clean slate!


My busy life reduced to nil,

As only one hand does my will

The other, bandaged to the hilt;

How life can change – with headlong tilt… 

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

Note: it's my left hand so I  can still pen my liitle poems!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope it mends quickly. Did the same myself 2 years ago, know your pain and frustration!
