Monday 2 September 2024

September on the Cusp

September – what a burst of heat!

Sweaty joggers in my street

ADEPS* offers free fun walk!

Neighbours, sun-tanned, stop and talk.


The summer lull - lost in the past

Commitments pile up thick and fast;

Though early mists soon dissipate

Roadworks slow down dear tram 8.


A glut of berries fills fruit stalls

Now and then a tired leaf falls …

Politics - still in debate

The jury’s out - who’ll lead the State?

The year moves into middle age

With “mellow fruitfulness**” displayed

A new term for all schoolkids starts;

September - glowing - warms our hearts!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* Belgian Sporting Association

** memorable line by John Keats in his poem "To Autumn"

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