Monday 29 July 2024

On Roadworks and Golden Spurs!

Near the Bourse Beer Hall I sit

Time to switch off for a bit;

Loud conversations overheard

Cacophony of sounds absurd!


Construction work from left to right

Brussels is one building site!

On the skyline cranes deploy

While constant strident drills annoy!


Locals cry out “Raz-le-bol!”*;

Bins overflow near “Metropole”;

Shoppers ferret out cheap garb

Young lads kick a football hard!

A bus** disturbs pedestrian flow

You have to watch out where you go!

Amid this chaos the sun shines

Harbinger of better times?


Tourists pass by, unawares

Of this date,*** when Golden Spurs

Were captured thanks to Flemish might

Putting the smug French to flight!


This fabled feat of derring-do

Occurring in 1302

Is marked with Flemish Lion parades

Proud victory that never fades!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* French for "Enough is Enough!"

** The N° 95

  The battle of the Golden Spurs took place near Courtrai on July 11th, 1302

*** Note for the purists. I actually wrote this poem on July 11th!

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