Monday 22 July 2024

Excursion to East Flanders

Near Deinze on a bright, hot day

A country idyll on display

Quaint church with river Leie nearby

And not a cloud in azure sky.


Quiet setting blessed with rural flow

Where 19th century artists go

Inspired by life at slower pace

Away from Industry’s coal face…


Machelen – known for famous son

Roger Raveel’s* art is fun:

A mass of colours, magic square

And pop art pillars everywhere.


Breadwinner was the artist’s wife

Allowing him an artist’s life

Self-portraits, figures, gold and green

But his ‘red cow’ I’d never seen!


Real cows in fields, small cobbled streets

To restaurant where the town meets;

Its water feature - a surprise

A small boy splashes, joy in eyes!


A helicopter swoops and lands

But not a flag or large brass band

On this, dear Belgium’s National Day**

Are all its patriots away?

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* * 21st July

* The Red Cow by Roger Raveel (1921-2013)

Restaurant De Afspanning - Machelen



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