Friday 26 July 2024

In Seine Olympics!

Sunshine beams through clouds of grey

Cool Friday – heaps of friends away;

Laid back neighbours stop and greet…

Free parking spaces in my street!


All trains to Paris are delayed

A terrorist attack’s been made

Just when the Games are due to start

What has upset French applecart?


Olympic Village, V.I.P.s

Tickets change hands at high fees;

 With TV coverage assured

Hey, let’s not go overboard!


Vast crowds expected by the Seine

A grand opening – in the rain?

‘Team Belgium’ hopes to do us proud

1-6-4 hopefuls make a crowd!


Neutrality is hard to fix

As politics and sport don’t mix;

But athletes who are sure to please

Are the brave group of Refugees!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

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