Tuesday 30 July 2024

A Summer Reverie

Midway through summer, Brussels glows

At last – an outing for light clothes!

Yet even in these Northern climes

A hat is de rigueur sometimes!


The woods behind my house look cool

It’s filled with walkers as a rule

Accompanied by Man’s best friend

This green lung is such a Godsend!


The heavy rainfall favours weeds

Breezy gusts disperse wild seeds

Purple loosestrife, poppies, clover

Bright tapestry ‘til summer’s over!


Our leafy commune gets my vote;

On forest edge, but not remote

As ISB* by lake serene

Is served by STIB bus seventeen!


The joys of nature never pall

Tendrils climb my terrace wall;

Chives, fragrant thyme and mint delight

On such days, life here is just right!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* The International School of Brussels

Monday 29 July 2024

On Roadworks and Golden Spurs!

Near the Bourse Beer Hall I sit

Time to switch off for a bit;

Loud conversations overheard

Cacophony of sounds absurd!


Construction work from left to right

Brussels is one building site!

On the skyline cranes deploy

While constant strident drills annoy!


Locals cry out “Raz-le-bol!”*;

Bins overflow near “Metropole”;

Shoppers ferret out cheap garb

Young lads kick a football hard!

A bus** disturbs pedestrian flow

You have to watch out where you go!

Amid this chaos the sun shines

Harbinger of better times?


Tourists pass by, unawares

Of this date,*** when Golden Spurs

Were captured thanks to Flemish might

Putting the smug French to flight!


This fabled feat of derring-do

Occurring in 1302

Is marked with Flemish Lion parades

Proud victory that never fades!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* French for "Enough is Enough!"

** The N° 95

  The battle of the Golden Spurs took place near Courtrai on July 11th, 1302

*** Note for the purists. I actually wrote this poem on July 11th!

Friday 26 July 2024

In Seine Olympics!

Sunshine beams through clouds of grey

Cool Friday – heaps of friends away;

Laid back neighbours stop and greet…

Free parking spaces in my street!


All trains to Paris are delayed

A terrorist attack’s been made

Just when the Games are due to start

What has upset French applecart?


Olympic Village, V.I.P.s

Tickets change hands at high fees;

 With TV coverage assured

Hey, let’s not go overboard!


Vast crowds expected by the Seine

A grand opening – in the rain?

‘Team Belgium’ hopes to do us proud

1-6-4 hopefuls make a crowd!


Neutrality is hard to fix

As politics and sport don’t mix;

But athletes who are sure to please

Are the brave group of Refugees!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

Wednesday 24 July 2024

A Deciding Moment?

Politics turns upon a dime!

A decision makes the news prime time

The COVID virus rears its head

And Biden’s bid is put to bed!


As Red-Tie’s rhetoric is flawed

Rational thinkers now are bored

Then, unexpected and unvoted

The VP* finds herself promoted!


Despite no running mate engaged

This prosecutor war will wage!

The voice of reason must be heard

Another choice would be absurd!


Someone out there is afraid

Will his expenses be defrayed?

With cat among the pigeons thrown

Who will call the ‘White House’ home?

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* Kamala Harris

Monday 22 July 2024

Excursion to East Flanders

Near Deinze on a bright, hot day

A country idyll on display

Quaint church with river Leie nearby

And not a cloud in azure sky.


Quiet setting blessed with rural flow

Where 19th century artists go

Inspired by life at slower pace

Away from Industry’s coal face…


Machelen – known for famous son

Roger Raveel’s* art is fun:

A mass of colours, magic square

And pop art pillars everywhere.


Breadwinner was the artist’s wife

Allowing him an artist’s life

Self-portraits, figures, gold and green

But his ‘red cow’ I’d never seen!


Real cows in fields, small cobbled streets

To restaurant where the town meets;

Its water feature - a surprise

A small boy splashes, joy in eyes!


A helicopter swoops and lands

But not a flag or large brass band

On this, dear Belgium’s National Day**

Are all its patriots away?

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

* * 21st July

* The Red Cow by Roger Raveel (1921-2013)

Restaurant De Afspanning - Machelen



Sunday 14 July 2024

Out of Earshot?

On Pennsylvania campaign trail

A sudden gunshot – but a fail …

I hear you champing at the bit…

Should we mention who got hit?


The Secret Service, that dark clan

Jumped on Trump down to a man;

A bullet struck a glancing blow

Worldwide his bloodstained cheek on show!


Will this help get him elected?

Gunman shot soon as detected;

Security not watertight…

Thoughts of Van Gogh’s ear excite …

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Honeysuckle Muse

A quiet day – time to reflect...

What to report? I scan the Net

But nothing that I read entices

Just politics and endless crises.


Outside, the sun warms terrace plants

White honeysuckle flowers dance …

I cut some mint, sweet thyme and chives

Their survival – a surprise!


Post-COVID, friends can keep in touch

A sudden phone call means so much

A bite to eat, or cup of tea

Tastes better in good company!


The phone rings, there is no reply …

But I am tempted by blue sky

So, I give in to this temptation

And indulge in meditation …

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

Sweet-smelling honeysuckle

Monday 8 July 2024

France Walks a Tightrope!

The French elections have backfired;

A Belgian compromise – required!

Hung high and dry, the choice is stark

This ménage à trois seems dark…


The first round caused waves of dismay

Hence, more voters made their way

To cast their vote with heavy heart

For Macron - upset apple cart!


First-past-the-post? A broken dream

He took a chance on a new scene …

Wheeling and dealing must be done

As there is no Number One.


Step up to the plate, new faces!

Time to put France through its paces!

And with a full two years to go

He cannot have another throw!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024

Wednesday 3 July 2024

World Class Chess!

 Hurricane Beryl does her worst!

News headlines put Jamaica first:

Trees unrooted, cables down

Storm surges that flood into town ...


Elections spring up everywhere:

France totters on the brink, we hear …

With COVID chased to back of mind

Maybe masks now make us blind?


This Thursday Brits go out to vote;

Is talk of landslide that remote?

 We think of Uncle Sam’s domain

Which celebrates its Brit-free reign.


Let’s not forget Old Father Time

Who jostles for a place in line!

All outcomes up for grabs today

The world’s a chess game that we play.


With such upheaval, mental stress

We have to wonder what comes next…

As the pieces move around the board

The tension mounts – no one is bored!

(c) Poet in the woods 2024