Saturday 2 April 2016

Climbing Out of a Rut!

Why do so many live alone
Their lifeline just their mobile phone?
Work fills their week, they feel “in touch”
But weekends don't amount to much...

To socialise, you must go out;
There are clubs and sports events about
But it takes guts to push the door
And website searches offer more!

Old-fashioned it may be, to think
But people need to make that link
We feel much better when we share;
Isn't that why we're all here?

Death, divorce or work abroad...
Take courage! Much to be explored
If old doors seem too hard to shut
Admit it - you're stuck in a rut!

But there's a whole new world outside
Exciting challenges to be tried
So grit your teeth and make a move
Odds on - you'll find a brighter groove!

(c) Poet in the woods 2016

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