Wednesday 5 November 2014

Kent University celebrates - in Brussels!

It's odd – life's difficult to plan
Though we do the best we can
Several invites come my way
But damn! They're all for the same day!

By different methods they arrive
All happening on November 5
A playreading, a dinner date
A friend who wants to call me late

And catch up on my latest news
But all of these I must refuse
The option chosen is unique
It would be churlish not to greet

Erstwhile graduates from Kent
As Canterbury's where I spent
Four years getting my degree
And now in Brussels there will be

For graduates and students new
An important, very special «do».
As half a century ago
The first intake of students go

To Rutherford, Eliot or Keynes;
Some today are household names!
International studies now are key
So Brussels is the place to be.

The venue for this fine event
Is not, as one might think, in Kent
But the Palais des Académies
So the Marble Room is where I'll be!

(c) Poet in the woods 2014

UKC in Canterbury, Kent

Palais des Académies, Brussels, Belgium

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