Good wishes come in from our friends
In myriad countries at year's end
Parties, fireworks, starry skies
Each one in his own way tries
To spread the hope of better times
Less war, more love and hopeful signs
My turn to add my wish list too
Let me share some thoughts with you:
We need more contact with our friends
Please don't be caught up with daft trends
More fairness – long live honest hearts
And good health – no dear ones should part...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
Monday, 31 December 2018
For Rena on a Special Birthday!
A new year beckons, I've a clue
December babe, right now – for you!
A little bird has spread the word
That you turn ..... - that's absurd!
I meet you often, trim and neat
Your vivacity is hard to beat
With smart talent and such flair
You're youth personified, my dear!
You are without doubt, gal-with-style!
We've «hung out» now for quite a while
So please don't take it very hard
The number on this birthday card.
'Tis but a day and noughts don't count
You are the age you feel and flaunt
Go out, enjoy yourself, have fun
You can make us «Oldies» run!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
On 29th December, 2018

December babe, right now – for you!
A little bird has spread the word
That you turn ..... - that's absurd!
I meet you often, trim and neat
Your vivacity is hard to beat
With smart talent and such flair
You're youth personified, my dear!
You are without doubt, gal-with-style!
We've «hung out» now for quite a while
So please don't take it very hard
The number on this birthday card.
'Tis but a day and noughts don't count
You are the age you feel and flaunt
Go out, enjoy yourself, have fun
You can make us «Oldies» run!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
On 29th December, 2018
Saturday, 29 December 2018
Quelle Extravagance!
Half-price foie gras and cougnou* bread
Gift-wrapped toiletries still spread
In artful, tempting shop displays;
How to make sense of this maze?
Toys in bright plastic – China-made
Not all turkeys made the grade!
No oysters left, but Christmas fare
In gaudy wrappings is still there.
The good news: fresh fruit piled up high
Crunchy loaves and milk stand by
For those like us, who unimpressed,
Like life's simpler side the best!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
Gift-wrapped toiletries still spread
In artful, tempting shop displays;
How to make sense of this maze?
Toys in bright plastic – China-made
Not all turkeys made the grade!
No oysters left, but Christmas fare
In gaudy wrappings is still there.
The good news: fresh fruit piled up high
Crunchy loaves and milk stand by
For those like us, who unimpressed,
Like life's simpler side the best!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
* The cougnou or bread of Jesus is a bread baked during Christmas time and is typical of the southern Low Countries.
Friday, 28 December 2018
On the Good Ship Google!
Couch potato travel can be fun
But atlas days are sadly done
We boot up keyboards, a few taps
And bingo! We're on Google maps!
Around the world in just one spin
From neighbours' houses – neat and trim
To distant relatives aboard
Near rock-strewn beach or temperate sward!
Zoom to Kratatoa - Sunda straits
Just two clicks is all it takes;
Vancouver Island, seen by Drake
Or Black Sea coast where Russians wait ...
The Dark Continent is vast
Wow! Deserts are encroaching fast
Built-up L.A., or the Dead Sea
Australia's heart – too hot for me ...
Constantia – exiled Ovid's home
Where his statue is well known
Or Egypt's delta – lush and green;
An instant world view on my screen...
All these treasures near to hand
From Arctic North to barren sand ...
Sometimes I think that everywhere
Can best be seen from my armchair!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

But atlas days are sadly done
We boot up keyboards, a few taps
And bingo! We're on Google maps!
Around the world in just one spin
From neighbours' houses – neat and trim
To distant relatives aboard
Near rock-strewn beach or temperate sward!
Zoom to Kratatoa - Sunda straits
Just two clicks is all it takes;
Vancouver Island, seen by Drake
Or Black Sea coast where Russians wait ...
The Dark Continent is vast
Wow! Deserts are encroaching fast
Built-up L.A., or the Dead Sea
Australia's heart – too hot for me ...
Constantia – exiled Ovid's home
Where his statue is well known
Or Egypt's delta – lush and green;
An instant world view on my screen...
All these treasures near to hand
From Arctic North to barren sand ...
Sometimes I think that everywhere
Can best be seen from my armchair!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Thursday, 27 December 2018
The Proof of the Pudding ...
The Christmas pudding remnants lie
On the sideboard, cold and dry,
Life's like that with candied peel
Spicing up a heavy meal.
We boil our lives and work up steam
We look for meaning in a dream
Rich and luscious, tasty too
But as we age, our dreams do too.
We start to look back at year end
Was 2018 an overspend?
Natural resources are depleted
Human lives so badly treated...
The Garden of Eden is no more
Man's heavy hand lays bare the store
Earthquakes, tsunamis, tidal waves
Crumbling certainties - and graves ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

On the sideboard, cold and dry,
Life's like that with candied peel
Spicing up a heavy meal.
We boil our lives and work up steam
We look for meaning in a dream
Rich and luscious, tasty too
But as we age, our dreams do too.
We start to look back at year end
Was 2018 an overspend?
Natural resources are depleted
Human lives so badly treated...
The Garden of Eden is no more
Man's heavy hand lays bare the store
Earthquakes, tsunamis, tidal waves
Crumbling certainties - and graves ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Tuesday, 25 December 2018
A Sapphire Christmas
Though winter holds us in its clutches
Incessant sun with frosty touches
Means a snowy Christmas it is not
More like spring without snowdrop!
The nearby park has lofty trees
And a rippling lake with ducks and geese
Where dogs run free and joggers pass
On the crisp and sharp-spiked grass.
But rare are those who laugh and chat
So this festive season seems quite flat
Many quite alone stroll by
Amazed like us, by sapphire sky
Where birds swoop low, quite unaware
That at this special time of year
Humans feel they must be jolly,
Eat to excess, and deck with holly
Their mundane lives; buy tinsel tree
And favour all with bonhomie;
Yet sadly, many are uncaring;
What happened to the joys of sharing?
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Incessant sun with frosty touches
Means a snowy Christmas it is not
More like spring without snowdrop!
The nearby park has lofty trees
And a rippling lake with ducks and geese
Where dogs run free and joggers pass
On the crisp and sharp-spiked grass.
But rare are those who laugh and chat
So this festive season seems quite flat
Many quite alone stroll by
Amazed like us, by sapphire sky
Where birds swoop low, quite unaware
That at this special time of year
Humans feel they must be jolly,
Eat to excess, and deck with holly
Their mundane lives; buy tinsel tree
And favour all with bonhomie;
Yet sadly, many are uncaring;
What happened to the joys of sharing?
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Monday, 24 December 2018
In Carrefour Car Park
Carrefour car park – Christmas Eve
Harried shoppers keen to leave
The hustle-bustle of the till
With trollies stacked high – overkill!
Nervous tension in the air
The whole world and his wife are there
Gaudy gift sets vanish fast
Shelves are re-stocked as we pass.
Wine bottles beckon by the door
With lobsters, foie gras and much more
Tasty snacks, cheese, nuts and crisps
The Belgian Christmas means all this!
In the vast car park outside
A Coca Cola truck is spied
The queue is long as Santa waits
To hand out gifts at festive rates!
Beside the bank - a homeless man
Many avoid him, if they can
The heavy laden cars drive by
He watches them with saddened eye...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Harried shoppers keen to leave
The hustle-bustle of the till
With trollies stacked high – overkill!
Nervous tension in the air
The whole world and his wife are there
Gaudy gift sets vanish fast
Shelves are re-stocked as we pass.
Wine bottles beckon by the door
With lobsters, foie gras and much more
Tasty snacks, cheese, nuts and crisps
The Belgian Christmas means all this!
In the vast car park outside
A Coca Cola truck is spied
The queue is long as Santa waits
To hand out gifts at festive rates!
Beside the bank - a homeless man
Many avoid him, if they can
The heavy laden cars drive by
He watches them with saddened eye...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Friday, 21 December 2018
Beneath the Surface
The shortest day – the street lights glow
Reflecting puddles – there's no snow
Though chilly it is still quite mild
No snowmen greet the modern child ...
Leaden clouds obscure the sun
But on ground level, people run
Between the bright-lit shop displays;
Small wooden chalets catch my gaze:
Mulled wine and tartiflette for sale
Ribbons and cellophane prevail
Carved figurines are selling fast
Bulging carrier bags flash past.
Perfumes, soaps, hand-painted toys
Crowded stalls, excited noise
An air of expectation reigns
The muffled sound of church bell strains...
God and Mammon hand in hand
Consumerism carefully planned
While in the shadows, pinched and cold
Stand those, before their time, grown old..
How cruel to have to sleep outside
Though Social Services provide
Christmas cheer and now include
Some comfort in the form of food ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Reflecting puddles – there's no snow
Though chilly it is still quite mild
No snowmen greet the modern child ...
Leaden clouds obscure the sun
But on ground level, people run
Between the bright-lit shop displays;
Small wooden chalets catch my gaze:
Mulled wine and tartiflette for sale
Ribbons and cellophane prevail
Carved figurines are selling fast
Bulging carrier bags flash past.
Perfumes, soaps, hand-painted toys
Crowded stalls, excited noise
An air of expectation reigns
The muffled sound of church bell strains...
God and Mammon hand in hand
Consumerism carefully planned
While in the shadows, pinched and cold
Stand those, before their time, grown old..
How cruel to have to sleep outside
Though Social Services provide
Christmas cheer and now include
Some comfort in the form of food ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Thursday, 20 December 2018
Isabella - at One!
A revolution – you are One!
Full circle in Apollo's sun
12 months, 4 seasons - fully blown
A little miracle – our own.
Daddy's girl and Mummy's joy
Admiring Thomas finds you coy
Your little brain keeps secrets well
What stories it could surely tell!
Isabella crawls? Auntie's not sure
But you hold court on parquet floor
You've now been on holiday
Car journeys make you snooze away...
One candle on your birthday cake
That loving Mum is sure to bake
So sad I cannot be with you
At this celebration new!
As Thomas knows, in a big plane
Travelling from the wind and rain
I plan to come in a short while,
Meanwhile, I bathe in your warm smile!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Full circle in Apollo's sun
12 months, 4 seasons - fully blown
A little miracle – our own.
Daddy's girl and Mummy's joy
Admiring Thomas finds you coy
Your little brain keeps secrets well
What stories it could surely tell!
Isabella crawls? Auntie's not sure
But you hold court on parquet floor
You've now been on holiday
Car journeys make you snooze away...
One candle on your birthday cake
That loving Mum is sure to bake
So sad I cannot be with you
At this celebration new!
As Thomas knows, in a big plane
Travelling from the wind and rain
I plan to come in a short while,
Meanwhile, I bathe in your warm smile!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Wednesday, 19 December 2018
This word sends shivers through my soul
The last white rhino dead! A hole
In our collective memory
A branch lopped off from Nature's tree.
Long hunted for his precious tusk
Poachers turned his life to dust
Their ignorance and stupid greed
Mean no white rhinos now can breed.
In Kenyan wild they are no more
Last lifeless form on jungle floor
Once lost, the link can't be renewed
In evolution terms, we're screwed...
Zoos remain a last resort
Film images will soon be sought
Frail vestiges of what we've lost
Man learns too late and to his cost...
More species vital to our lives
Are hunted to extinction, guys;
David Attenborough was right
Our world is in a sorry plight!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

The last white rhino dead! A hole
In our collective memory
A branch lopped off from Nature's tree.
Long hunted for his precious tusk
Poachers turned his life to dust
Their ignorance and stupid greed
Mean no white rhinos now can breed.
In Kenyan wild they are no more
Last lifeless form on jungle floor
Once lost, the link can't be renewed
In evolution terms, we're screwed...
Zoos remain a last resort
Film images will soon be sought
Frail vestiges of what we've lost
Man learns too late and to his cost...
More species vital to our lives
Are hunted to extinction, guys;
David Attenborough was right
Our world is in a sorry plight!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Strasbourg - in the News!
Under frosty winter skies
Strasbourg shocked by gunshot cries
Three busy streets with shoppers fraught
Will the terrorist be caught?
In this Christmas market, horror stalks
Uneasiness homes in and walks
Among the stalls where people cringe
Sad ending to a shopping binge.
A reminder all is not bright lights
From the Dark Side, danger strikes
For Death is never far away
And life is many shades of grey...
While those with means plan festive spread
Some have no place to lay their head
Re-live the Parable if you're able:
Homeless Christ born in a stable ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
On 11.12.2018 three people were shot dead.

Strasbourg shocked by gunshot cries
Three busy streets with shoppers fraught
Will the terrorist be caught?
In this Christmas market, horror stalks
Uneasiness homes in and walks
Among the stalls where people cringe
Sad ending to a shopping binge.
A reminder all is not bright lights
From the Dark Side, danger strikes
For Death is never far away
And life is many shades of grey...
While those with means plan festive spread
Some have no place to lay their head
Re-live the Parable if you're able:
Homeless Christ born in a stable ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
On 11.12.2018 three people were shot dead.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018
The Rough and Tumble
Wild series of events, our lives
Some are planned, some a surprise!
But if we try our best to follow
What is right, then life is hollow -
As what spurs on adrenalin
Is illegal, risky – or a sin!
But that's what gives our lives that glow
And - if we're careful - who will know?
All sorts of things give us a «buzz»
It's the taking of a chance that does
Cause our blood to flow so fast;
It's exciting when the die is cast!
Challenges crop up, untoward
The Devil giggles – he has scored
When obstacles strewn on our way
Bring doubts and worries into play.
«The best laid plans of mice and men»*
As Robbie Burns said, way back when,
Often catch us on the hop
Is life easy? It is not!
How often we're put to the test
Life's a bumpy ride at best
The sun shines sometimes, then it snows
Always we're kept on our toes...
*«To a Mouse» 1785

Statue of Robert Burns - Dunedin, Scotland
Some are planned, some a surprise!
But if we try our best to follow
What is right, then life is hollow -
As what spurs on adrenalin
Is illegal, risky – or a sin!
But that's what gives our lives that glow
And - if we're careful - who will know?
All sorts of things give us a «buzz»
It's the taking of a chance that does
Cause our blood to flow so fast;
It's exciting when the die is cast!
Challenges crop up, untoward
The Devil giggles – he has scored
When obstacles strewn on our way
Bring doubts and worries into play.
«The best laid plans of mice and men»*
As Robbie Burns said, way back when,
Often catch us on the hop
Is life easy? It is not!
How often we're put to the test
Life's a bumpy ride at best
The sun shines sometimes, then it snows
Always we're kept on our toes...
*«To a Mouse» 1785

Statue of Robert Burns - Dunedin, Scotland
Thursday, 6 December 2018
To my Followers!
Blog Followers - you're so discreet!
Many your own IDs keep
Hidden from the public gaze
Is this secrecy a phase?
Why this coyness to give names?
Poetry is just playing games
With words, ideas and metaphor
In this, my undepleted, store.
Although unknown at first, it seems
The Internet gives rise to dreams
I pen an ode, it's put on line
And bingo! It is read, big time!
What prompts these forays on my site?
I try to keep my topics light
Though bad news and sensation sell
The whimsical inspires as well!
I make no claims, ban all click-bait,
Avoid political debate
But try, in gentle mocking style,
To tease your minds and make you smile.
It's five years since, just for a dare,
My little poems went «on air»
Now to all my Followers, I say:
Loyalty is my tasse de thé!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Many your own IDs keep
Hidden from the public gaze
Is this secrecy a phase?
Why this coyness to give names?
Poetry is just playing games
With words, ideas and metaphor
In this, my undepleted, store.
Although unknown at first, it seems
The Internet gives rise to dreams
I pen an ode, it's put on line
And bingo! It is read, big time!
What prompts these forays on my site?
I try to keep my topics light
Though bad news and sensation sell
The whimsical inspires as well!
I make no claims, ban all click-bait,
Avoid political debate
But try, in gentle mocking style,
To tease your minds and make you smile.
It's five years since, just for a dare,
My little poems went «on air»
Now to all my Followers, I say:
Loyalty is my tasse de thé!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Isabella at Advent
Drama at the kitchen sink?
Caught in a moment on the brink
Of a clean of teeth or hands
Isabella, smiling, greets her fans.
In red today - with heart on show
This tiny creature makes me glow
So self-assured, in perfect pose
Unfazed by cameras – and it shows.
Mum, though busy, takes a break
Together, Mum and daughter make
A welcome intro in my day
And banish all that Belgian grey.
Not yet one, but getting there
This blonde Cutie's wide-eyed stare
Shows her powers of observation
Sweetness needs no invitation.
Her first Christmas looms ahead;
Will she hear bluff Santa's tread?
Too young perhaps to pick up clues
Though Thomas (five) has other views!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

First birthday: 21st December 2018
Caught in a moment on the brink
Of a clean of teeth or hands
Isabella, smiling, greets her fans.
In red today - with heart on show
This tiny creature makes me glow
So self-assured, in perfect pose
Unfazed by cameras – and it shows.
Mum, though busy, takes a break
Together, Mum and daughter make
A welcome intro in my day
And banish all that Belgian grey.
Not yet one, but getting there
This blonde Cutie's wide-eyed stare
Shows her powers of observation
Sweetness needs no invitation.
Her first Christmas looms ahead;
Will she hear bluff Santa's tread?
Too young perhaps to pick up clues
Though Thomas (five) has other views!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

First birthday: 21st December 2018
Monday, 3 December 2018
Tip of the Iceberg?
Stress, nerves, emotions – we are raw
We cannot know what lies in store
So we scrabble for a hold on news
Faced sadly by conflicting views...
Another Climate Change review*:
Extended talk-shop - what is new?
12 degrees - autumnal splendour
But is this normal – for December?
Forest fires pollute the skies
Energy costs now set to rise
The dumbing down of all T.V.
«Yellow jackets» on the spree...
The gap between the rich and poor
Has become one great and yawning maw
Taxed to the hilt, increasing debts:
BREXIT - as bad as it gets...
Where's good news? I cast round
For something wholesome, true and sound
But we hurtle on our merry way
With the 'self-destruct' key now in play!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
* COP Conference: Katowicz, Poland December 2018
* COP Conference: Madrid, Spain December 2019 (No 25!)
We cannot know what lies in store
So we scrabble for a hold on news
Faced sadly by conflicting views...
Another Climate Change review*:
Extended talk-shop - what is new?
12 degrees - autumnal splendour
But is this normal – for December?
Forest fires pollute the skies
Energy costs now set to rise
The dumbing down of all T.V.
«Yellow jackets» on the spree...
The gap between the rich and poor
Has become one great and yawning maw
Taxed to the hilt, increasing debts:
BREXIT - as bad as it gets...
Where's good news? I cast round
For something wholesome, true and sound
But we hurtle on our merry way
With the 'self-destruct' key now in play!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
* COP Conference: Katowicz, Poland December 2018
* COP Conference: Madrid, Spain December 2019 (No 25!)

Friday, 30 November 2018
Isabella in the Nativity Play
In the razzmatazz of Christmas time
Forget mad shopping done on line
It's back to basics, the school play
With the Holy Trio on display:
Three wise men (assorted sizes);
Who will bear the Star that rises?
Cute angels - all with tinsel wings
And a useful choir that sings.
But the shepherds play a vital role
They see the Star, are on a roll
In this year's flock – a special treat
Isabella - cast as fluffy sheep!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Forget mad shopping done on line
It's back to basics, the school play
With the Holy Trio on display:
Three wise men (assorted sizes);
Who will bear the Star that rises?
Cute angels - all with tinsel wings
And a useful choir that sings.
But the shepherds play a vital role
They see the Star, are on a roll
In this year's flock – a special treat
Isabella - cast as fluffy sheep!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Continuum ...
At this time, fourteen years ago,
I was apprehensive, feeling low
The chilliness was in my heart
My Love was ill, we soon would part.
All summer there had been small clues
Then his doctor voiced the news
The dreaded 'C' had gone too far
His T-cells, weakened, could not spar ...
Against a backcloth of despair
He was taken into care
An ambulance drove to our door
Our neighbours wanted to know more ...
But I, bereft, could not face life
Without this man, a saddened wife;
Inexorably the days flew by
In anxious visits; I would try
Some precious hours with him to spend
But was not with him at the end;
In one month all my joy departed
Leaving me quite broken-hearted...
But now I look back on this time
And make my peace with this short rhyme
'Cos this is life, we all drift through
Life continues – we must too ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

I was apprehensive, feeling low
The chilliness was in my heart
My Love was ill, we soon would part.
All summer there had been small clues
Then his doctor voiced the news
The dreaded 'C' had gone too far
His T-cells, weakened, could not spar ...
Against a backcloth of despair
He was taken into care
An ambulance drove to our door
Our neighbours wanted to know more ...
But I, bereft, could not face life
Without this man, a saddened wife;
Inexorably the days flew by
In anxious visits; I would try
Some precious hours with him to spend
But was not with him at the end;
In one month all my joy departed
Leaving me quite broken-hearted...
But now I look back on this time
And make my peace with this short rhyme
'Cos this is life, we all drift through
Life continues – we must too ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Monday, 26 November 2018
BREXIT or Never on a Sunday
Recession looms – more rise and fall
How the BREXIT talks appall
New Brussels summit; one too many?
Roundtables cost a pretty penny ...
As we jumped off the Euro-train;
This chassé-croisé is a strain
Controls at borders, more red tape
It really is so hard to take.
Confusion reigns, that much is clear
What happens now in March next year?
The business world is up in arms
In many sectors – red alarms.
Keep fishing rights? Yes to free trade
Gibraltar tiptoes, I'm afraid
The E.U. poised upon the brink:
Shall we float or shall we sink?
Politics – that tricky game
In different guises still the same
Has the love affair with Europe died?
What if the Referendum lied?
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

How the BREXIT talks appall
New Brussels summit; one too many?
Roundtables cost a pretty penny ...
As we jumped off the Euro-train;
This chassé-croisé is a strain
Controls at borders, more red tape
It really is so hard to take.
Confusion reigns, that much is clear
What happens now in March next year?
The business world is up in arms
In many sectors – red alarms.
Keep fishing rights? Yes to free trade
Gibraltar tiptoes, I'm afraid
The E.U. poised upon the brink:
Shall we float or shall we sink?
Politics – that tricky game
In different guises still the same
Has the love affair with Europe died?
What if the Referendum lied?
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Saturday, 24 November 2018
An Experience!
We all surged forward through the door
To join more crowds in busy store
The barricades (roadworks again)
Made queuing lengthy – and a pain...
The buzz was deafeningly loud
At all the stands a frantic crowd
Whose grabbing hands upset displays
The result? Clothes in a hopeless maze.
My friend, determined, strode ahead
Found jeans she wanted; I was led
To the check-outs – there were five
I thought of busy bees in hive...
Alas, despite my iron will
I grabbed some items near the till;
Black Friday bargains, dare I say
Shucks, I bought more than food today!
This 'shop-until-you-drop' – big spend
Makes discounts somehow a new trend
But what of those who make these clothes?
The High Street rarely thinks of those...
I name no names, but fast and cheap
Is how fashion goes this week
Profits pared down to the bone;
Perhaps I should have stayed at home!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

To join more crowds in busy store
The barricades (roadworks again)
Made queuing lengthy – and a pain...
The buzz was deafeningly loud
At all the stands a frantic crowd
Whose grabbing hands upset displays
The result? Clothes in a hopeless maze.
My friend, determined, strode ahead
Found jeans she wanted; I was led
To the check-outs – there were five
I thought of busy bees in hive...
Alas, despite my iron will
I grabbed some items near the till;
Black Friday bargains, dare I say
Shucks, I bought more than food today!
This 'shop-until-you-drop' – big spend
Makes discounts somehow a new trend
But what of those who make these clothes?
The High Street rarely thinks of those...
I name no names, but fast and cheap
Is how fashion goes this week
Profits pared down to the bone;
Perhaps I should have stayed at home!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Wednesday, 21 November 2018
To Flirt or Not to Flirt?
People watching is such fun
Most, lost in their bubbles, come
Into my vision unawares
We briefly share our lives – with stares ...
Although discreet, I take a chance
And momentarily sneak a glance
At those who cross my path en ville:
A chance encounter is a thrill!
Most, of course, don't meet my gaze
The damned phone dominates their days;
Are they chatting to their friends,
Or talking business? It depends ...
The printed word is all but gone
A few, engrossed in books, read on
Some have a fractious child in tow
But most are busy, on the go.
It's rare indeed to catch the eye
Of those around us; should I try?
Social media is too much!
What happened to the human touch?
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Most, lost in their bubbles, come
Into my vision unawares
We briefly share our lives – with stares ...
Although discreet, I take a chance
And momentarily sneak a glance
At those who cross my path en ville:
A chance encounter is a thrill!
Most, of course, don't meet my gaze
The damned phone dominates their days;
Are they chatting to their friends,
Or talking business? It depends ...
The printed word is all but gone
A few, engrossed in books, read on
Some have a fractious child in tow
But most are busy, on the go.
It's rare indeed to catch the eye
Of those around us; should I try?
Social media is too much!
What happened to the human touch?
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Monday, 19 November 2018
The Treachery of Translation
The E.U. buzzes every day
Adapting speeches that convey
From a vast and never-ending pile
Linguistic nuances of style.
Mass Eurobabble, Eurospeak ...
Let's take the BREXIT Deal this week:
500* pages to convert
A monumental task of work!
No doubt about it – this is Art
A talent culture can impart;
A wayward comma, mis-used word
Could make the end result – absurd!
But the real challenge comes with verse
Artful wording makes it worse
As metaphors are honed with skill
Their double-meanings never still.
In another tongue the rhyme is lost
Or the meaning kept, but at a cost.
Translations take on a new guise
Resulting in - a compromise!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
* 585 pages to be exact!

Adapting speeches that convey
From a vast and never-ending pile
Linguistic nuances of style.
Mass Eurobabble, Eurospeak ...
Let's take the BREXIT Deal this week:
500* pages to convert
A monumental task of work!
No doubt about it – this is Art
A talent culture can impart;
A wayward comma, mis-used word
Could make the end result – absurd!
But the real challenge comes with verse
Artful wording makes it worse
As metaphors are honed with skill
Their double-meanings never still.
In another tongue the rhyme is lost
Or the meaning kept, but at a cost.
Translations take on a new guise
Resulting in - a compromise!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
* 585 pages to be exact!

Friday, 16 November 2018
Over a Cuppa!
What nicer than a cup of tea
That you, dear friend, can share with me?
While we wait for it to brew
We chat together, me and you.
There's no theme we can't discuss:
Why politics is so much fuss
The cost of living – sharp tax hikes
Should we abandon cars for bikes?
Emotions, some new family drama
The re-election of Obama
The grim futility of war
Refugees, the urban poor.
Meanwhile, our tea is piping hot
We pour it gently from the pot
And enjoy its calming, warm delight
Contemplating the world's plight...
Humans suffer, plagued with doubt;
How will the BREXIT deal work out?
What tricks has Nature up its sleeves?
Time perhaps to read - tea leaves ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
That you, dear friend, can share with me?
While we wait for it to brew
We chat together, me and you.
There's no theme we can't discuss:
Why politics is so much fuss
The cost of living – sharp tax hikes
Should we abandon cars for bikes?
Emotions, some new family drama
The re-election of Obama
The grim futility of war
Refugees, the urban poor.
Meanwhile, our tea is piping hot
We pour it gently from the pot
And enjoy its calming, warm delight
Contemplating the world's plight...
Humans suffer, plagued with doubt;
How will the BREXIT deal work out?
What tricks has Nature up its sleeves?
Time perhaps to read - tea leaves ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Cave Canem! A Cautionary Tale
Dogs are Man's best friend? Perhaps ...
Sometimes, though, they're known to lapse
As a friend of mine* became the bait
Of an angry wolfhound in a state.
Passers-by in great alarm
At the giant bite marks on his arm;
This unexpected gory vision
Evoked an A&E decision.
Thank goodness arteries were spared;
His wife, of driving somewhat scared,
Drove safely there down a dark lane
And got her courage back again.
This nasty shock upset their day
But she, without fear, drives away
He, bandaged, as the pain subsides,
Thinks: «Cave Canem» still applies!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
Sometimes, though, they're known to lapse
As a friend of mine* became the bait
Of an angry wolfhound in a state.
Passers-by in great alarm
At the giant bite marks on his arm;
This unexpected gory vision
Evoked an A&E decision.
Thank goodness arteries were spared;
His wife, of driving somewhat scared,
Drove safely there down a dark lane
And got her courage back again.
This nasty shock upset their day
But she, without fear, drives away
He, bandaged, as the pain subsides,
Thinks: «Cave Canem» still applies!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
R.I.P. Spider-Man (1922-2018)
In Manhattan, Upper West Side, born
He saw the Great Depression spawn
Unemployment, lack of funds
In a Nation suffering from the glums.
This prolific writer ran
With characters like Spider-Man
Whose Red-and-Blue form hit the screens
And fired up many children's dreams
Exciting plots flowed from his pen:
Dare Devil, Iron Man, X-Men,
Captain America, Doctor Strange
Formed his most amazing range.
Excitement promised on the cover
A world of action like no other
His complex story lines inspired
His artists to keep pace, though tired!
Son of a Romanian refugee
Known by the public as Stan Lee*
He's left us now - aged 95
But his genius comic books survive!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
He saw the Great Depression spawn
Unemployment, lack of funds
In a Nation suffering from the glums.
This prolific writer ran
With characters like Spider-Man
Whose Red-and-Blue form hit the screens
And fired up many children's dreams
Exciting plots flowed from his pen:
Dare Devil, Iron Man, X-Men,
Captain America, Doctor Strange
Formed his most amazing range.
Excitement promised on the cover
A world of action like no other
His complex story lines inspired
His artists to keep pace, though tired!
Son of a Romanian refugee
Known by the public as Stan Lee*
He's left us now - aged 95
But his genius comic books survive!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
Friday, 9 November 2018
The Armistice - 100 Years On
To catch the mood is not a given
How can I your day enliven?
My daily posts, some old, some new
Tempt a bunch of you to view!
You wonder what theme sparks my muse
I admit it's sometimes hard to choose:
A special date, event, disaster
As this world spins ever faster ...
I try to keep my topics light
Positive spins provide delight
But sadness sometimes plays a role;
This weekend many bells will toll
Recalling those who gave their lives
In World War I's vast sacrifice
One hundred years right to the day
The Armistice came into play...
Dame War exacted a huge cost
A bright young generation lost
From many nations; modern powers
Meet up and reflect - with flowers.
Red poppies, symbols of the dead
In huge displays; where soldiers' tread
In Flanders' fields or on the Somme
Was omnipresent - hear birdsong ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

How can I your day enliven?
My daily posts, some old, some new
Tempt a bunch of you to view!
You wonder what theme sparks my muse
I admit it's sometimes hard to choose:
A special date, event, disaster
As this world spins ever faster ...
I try to keep my topics light
Positive spins provide delight
But sadness sometimes plays a role;
This weekend many bells will toll
Recalling those who gave their lives
In World War I's vast sacrifice
One hundred years right to the day
The Armistice came into play...
Dame War exacted a huge cost
A bright young generation lost
From many nations; modern powers
Meet up and reflect - with flowers.
Red poppies, symbols of the dead
In huge displays; where soldiers' tread
In Flanders' fields or on the Somme
Was omnipresent - hear birdsong ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Thursday, 8 November 2018
Roses in November?
Damp pavements, leaf-confetti strewn
Blue bags await the bin platoon
November bluster on parade
Brollies temptingly displayed.
Huge trucks bring St. Nick to the shops
Poverty consumption mocks
Cars brake and vroom at traffic lights
This poet seeks more tender sights ...
And then I spot one – my heart glows
In windswept garden – one pink rose ...
It's fragile beauty, proud and bold
Paves my homeward walk with gold!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Blue bags await the bin platoon
November bluster on parade
Brollies temptingly displayed.
Huge trucks bring St. Nick to the shops
Poverty consumption mocks
Cars brake and vroom at traffic lights
This poet seeks more tender sights ...
And then I spot one – my heart glows
In windswept garden – one pink rose ...
It's fragile beauty, proud and bold
Paves my homeward walk with gold!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Tuesday, 6 November 2018
Mid-Term Elections USA
Mid-term elections – USA:
Anticipation all the way
Unrest, distrust, hope, gloom or doom
An excited buzz sweeps each Press Room.
Republicans and Democrats
Names involving changing hats
The country finds itself divided
As trade has picked up and provided.
There are many issues on the table:
Southern caravans are able
To upset the apple cart
A wall of bricks? When can we start?
Lies and truths fight side by side
November 6th – a bumpy ride
What really makes the U.S. rock?
Will Common Sense come out on top?
Tariff barriers cause trade waves
The deck seems stacked with many knaves
What this roll of the dice will be
Europe, poised, awaits to see ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

2022 - what changes?
Anticipation all the way
Unrest, distrust, hope, gloom or doom
An excited buzz sweeps each Press Room.
Republicans and Democrats
Names involving changing hats
The country finds itself divided
As trade has picked up and provided.
There are many issues on the table:
Southern caravans are able
To upset the apple cart
A wall of bricks? When can we start?
Lies and truths fight side by side
November 6th – a bumpy ride
What really makes the U.S. rock?
Will Common Sense come out on top?
Tariff barriers cause trade waves
The deck seems stacked with many knaves
What this roll of the dice will be
Europe, poised, awaits to see ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

2022 - what changes?
Monday, 5 November 2018
A Cuddly Twosome
Thomas, keen to please the crowd,
Holds Isabella, he is proud
With hidden strength and careless grace
To show he cares, glib smile on face.
Our sweet bundle now grows tall
He has to watch out she won't fall
But Hey! She takes it in her stride
With big brother by her side.
Across the globe I watch them grow
Family videos now show
Their daily lives in sunny climes
Inspiring Auntie's little rhymes.
Hugs and cuddles mean a lot
My tiny blooms outgrow their pot
Thomas, serious, at school
While Isabella plays it cool.
Oz gives such a sunny start
To these twin treasures of my heart;
But in whose footsteps will they tread?
Who can know what lies ahead...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Holds Isabella, he is proud
With hidden strength and careless grace
To show he cares, glib smile on face.
Our sweet bundle now grows tall
He has to watch out she won't fall
But Hey! She takes it in her stride
With big brother by her side.
Across the globe I watch them grow
Family videos now show
Their daily lives in sunny climes
Inspiring Auntie's little rhymes.
Hugs and cuddles mean a lot
My tiny blooms outgrow their pot
Thomas, serious, at school
While Isabella plays it cool.
Oz gives such a sunny start
To these twin treasures of my heart;
But in whose footsteps will they tread?
Who can know what lies ahead...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Saturday, 3 November 2018
Isabella Meets the Panda
Her cheery smile a clever ploy
Isabella rocks and rolls with joy
With heartbeat from his mistress, lies
A black-white panda with bold eyes.
Symbol of the Chinese state
A treasured emblem, fragile fate,
Endangered and World Wildlife connected
By Isabella well protected.
My gem of a niece grows strong
In 11 months, she's come along
I've seen her sit, but not yet stand
No doubt she has this step in hand!
In a video she vocalised;
Her brother spoke and she replied
Agreed, it was just one short sound,
But in terms of progress, one great bound!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Isabella rocks and rolls with joy
With heartbeat from his mistress, lies
A black-white panda with bold eyes.
Symbol of the Chinese state
A treasured emblem, fragile fate,
Endangered and World Wildlife connected
By Isabella well protected.
My gem of a niece grows strong
In 11 months, she's come along
I've seen her sit, but not yet stand
No doubt she has this step in hand!
In a video she vocalised;
Her brother spoke and she replied
Agreed, it was just one short sound,
But in terms of progress, one great bound!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Thursday, 1 November 2018
The Day of the Fatted Calf!
'Alone' and 'lonely' aren't the same
As time all-to-oneself is good
But not all children now can claim
A special friendship from childhood.
With all our gadgets and Smart phone
Our virtual world is full of 'friends'
But switched off, we feel quite alone
Silence breeds depression trends.
Is this the paradox in play?
As normal human links fall short
Fewer family meals today
Togetherness more rare and fraught?
All the young now have a phone
To keep in touch via mini-screen
But keyboards really can't atone
For the loneliness of modern teen.
Was it better in the past
When group activities were shared?
Love blossomed on the dance floor fast
You met up knowing someone cared...
All progress has a darker side
Outdoor sports show a decrease
Millennials like to stay inside
And, worryingly, become obese.
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

As time all-to-oneself is good
But not all children now can claim
A special friendship from childhood.
With all our gadgets and Smart phone
Our virtual world is full of 'friends'
But switched off, we feel quite alone
Silence breeds depression trends.
Is this the paradox in play?
As normal human links fall short
Fewer family meals today
Togetherness more rare and fraught?
All the young now have a phone
To keep in touch via mini-screen
But keyboards really can't atone
For the loneliness of modern teen.
Was it better in the past
When group activities were shared?
Love blossomed on the dance floor fast
You met up knowing someone cared...
All progress has a darker side
Outdoor sports show a decrease
Millennials like to stay inside
And, worryingly, become obese.
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Tuesday, 30 October 2018
A Sudden Chill
Wreathes of mist, puddles in street
Roadworks over – all is neat
But blanket greyness; where's the sun?
Angry raindrops on the run...
Winter jacket, thick warm socks
Scarf time since the change of clocks
November beckons, watch for ghouls
Attempts at Halloween in schools...
Grinning pumpkins filled with light
A broken broomstick – witching night
In life and politics – a chill
The thought of log fires now a thrill...
With the Ardennes forest sprinkled white
The tail end of the year's in sight
So we turn the heating up full blast
As frightened Autumn scampers past ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Roadworks over – all is neat
But blanket greyness; where's the sun?
Angry raindrops on the run...
Winter jacket, thick warm socks
Scarf time since the change of clocks
November beckons, watch for ghouls
Attempts at Halloween in schools...
Grinning pumpkins filled with light
A broken broomstick – witching night
In life and politics – a chill
The thought of log fires now a thrill...
With the Ardennes forest sprinkled white
The tail end of the year's in sight
So we turn the heating up full blast
As frightened Autumn scampers past ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Monday, 29 October 2018
Taking a Step Back ...
We ought to step back, leave the buzz
As bad news hurts each one of us
Pittsburgh synagogue attack
Brazil elections - fear creeps back...
Baggage handlers stop the planes*
BREXIT wobbles – who remains?
Success just feeds those in the know
As stocks and shares are in free flow.
Indonesia – crash in sea
More mayhem for the Powers-that-Be
Where is goodness and compassion?
Traditional values – out of fashion ...
Why this trend to spend and splurge?
What fuels this strong buying urge?
Each has only one short life
It's precious – so why all this strife?
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
* Zaventem Airport - Brussels
As bad news hurts each one of us
Pittsburgh synagogue attack
Brazil elections - fear creeps back...
Baggage handlers stop the planes*
BREXIT wobbles – who remains?
Success just feeds those in the know
As stocks and shares are in free flow.
Indonesia – crash in sea
More mayhem for the Powers-that-Be
Where is goodness and compassion?
Traditional values – out of fashion ...
Why this trend to spend and splurge?
What fuels this strong buying urge?
Each has only one short life
It's precious – so why all this strife?
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
* Zaventem Airport - Brussels

Saturday, 27 October 2018
All Change - One More Time!
Hey Belgium, you're on Kaiser time!
Since World War I it's been this way
We were occupied, so fell in line
With German clocks - still so today!
Yet we're aligned, Meridien-wise
Upon the famous Greenwich line
In summer two hours late we rise
Now we switch back to winter time.
So many gadgets to adjust:
The cooker, clocks and car display
Flights and train times also must
Be re-set without delay.
So our politicians now seem keen
A moritorium to declare
On this antiquated 'hour-change' scene:
Let's fix a time and then stay there!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
Since World War I it's been this way
We were occupied, so fell in line
With German clocks - still so today!
Yet we're aligned, Meridien-wise
Upon the famous Greenwich line
In summer two hours late we rise
Now we switch back to winter time.
So many gadgets to adjust:
The cooker, clocks and car display
Flights and train times also must
Be re-set without delay.
So our politicians now seem keen
A moritorium to declare
On this antiquated 'hour-change' scene:
Let's fix a time and then stay there!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Thursday, 25 October 2018
Eureka - Flowerage!
Metallic, digital, concrete
Where's the green touch in our street?
Parks and gardens have their place
But elsewhere, where is Nature's face?
Brick walls, fences, pallisades
Such barriers are so man-made
All seems barren, sanitized
Nowhere we can feast our eyes.
And yet, the landscape can intrude
And provide for jaded palettes food;
Through a meet-up window on this day
Where lawn and beech trees made display
On a balustrade in dark grey stone
A man stood talking in his phone;
With windows closed, no sound was heard
Though I watched the passing of a bird.
But my eye was caught by garden wall
Where no stone could be seen at all
Here plants and foliage grow a screen
Tasteful, delicate and green!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

In the garden of 47, Boulevard St. Michel, 1040-Etterbeek (Brussels)
Photos courtesy of Andy Whittle - P2P
Where's the green touch in our street?
Parks and gardens have their place
But elsewhere, where is Nature's face?
Brick walls, fences, pallisades
Such barriers are so man-made
All seems barren, sanitized
Nowhere we can feast our eyes.
And yet, the landscape can intrude
And provide for jaded palettes food;
Through a meet-up window on this day
Where lawn and beech trees made display
On a balustrade in dark grey stone
A man stood talking in his phone;
With windows closed, no sound was heard
Though I watched the passing of a bird.
But my eye was caught by garden wall
Where no stone could be seen at all
Here plants and foliage grow a screen
Tasteful, delicate and green!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

In the garden of 47, Boulevard St. Michel, 1040-Etterbeek (Brussels)
Photos courtesy of Andy Whittle - P2P
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Chaos at Dawn!
Roadworks, scaffolding in our street:
Blue-yellow barricades defeat
The wayward driver who stops short
How to proceed? Annoyed, distraught...
The Vivaqua* van has pride of place
View from my window – a disgrace
An impasse in my narrow road
Frustrations now in overload!
I come downstairs, must not be late
But they're cutting off the water – great -
Forget that nice hot cup of tea
Yes, Brussels is the place to be!
International hub, big Institutions,
Downtown, historical allusions
Quaint streets, good food, weird iffy weather
And chaotic roadworks - all together!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

* Vivaqua is the Belgian Water company.
Blue-yellow barricades defeat
The wayward driver who stops short
How to proceed? Annoyed, distraught...
The Vivaqua* van has pride of place
View from my window – a disgrace
An impasse in my narrow road
Frustrations now in overload!
I come downstairs, must not be late
But they're cutting off the water – great -
Forget that nice hot cup of tea
Yes, Brussels is the place to be!
International hub, big Institutions,
Downtown, historical allusions
Quaint streets, good food, weird iffy weather
And chaotic roadworks - all together!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

* Vivaqua is the Belgian Water company.
Friday, 19 October 2018
To Rack and Ruin?
More Brussels summits rise and fall;
Sometimes I think that less is more ...
An acronym takes wing – absurd
BREXIT - now a full-blown word!
With «post Troubles» should May* fiddle?
Is the Irish border a mere quibble?
«Remainers» won't lie down and die
So is the whole thing «pie-in-sky»?
What of generations yet unborn -
Will they see this as media storm?
Customs clearance, queues at ports
Work permits, visas of all sorts...
If we take the long view – down the track
Will Brits still be on the rack?
The future wreathed in mists and smoke:
May* wants a BREXIT that's «bespoke»!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
Sometimes I think that less is more ...
An acronym takes wing – absurd
BREXIT - now a full-blown word!
With «post Troubles» should May* fiddle?
Is the Irish border a mere quibble?
«Remainers» won't lie down and die
So is the whole thing «pie-in-sky»?
What of generations yet unborn -
Will they see this as media storm?
Customs clearance, queues at ports
Work permits, visas of all sorts...
If we take the long view – down the track
Will Brits still be on the rack?
The future wreathed in mists and smoke:
May* wants a BREXIT that's «bespoke»!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
The Stork!
Newsflash! Royals in the news
The rumour mill has scattered clues
But now we hear the confirmation
Springtime means a visitation ...
From that noble bird the stork;
The media maelstrom has them caught,
Like Di and Charles, Wills and Kate,
Meghan and Harry keenly wait
To build and furnish their own nest;
A brand new paparazzi fest
As the Press pick up the ball and run
Filming Royals is such fun.
Spotlight on the May bride's clothes:
Her fashion keeps girls on their toes
As the message flashes on our screen:
New great-grandchild* for the Queen!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle married on 19th May, 2018.
The rumour mill has scattered clues
But now we hear the confirmation
Springtime means a visitation ...
From that noble bird the stork;
The media maelstrom has them caught,
Like Di and Charles, Wills and Kate,
Meghan and Harry keenly wait
To build and furnish their own nest;
A brand new paparazzi fest
As the Press pick up the ball and run
Filming Royals is such fun.
Spotlight on the May bride's clothes:
Her fashion keeps girls on their toes
As the message flashes on our screen:
New great-grandchild* for the Queen!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle married on 19th May, 2018.
Lilibet Diana born 4th June, 2021.
On Disappointment
Life is not, as the French mean*,
A peaceful, gently flowing stream;
There are times when hidden rocks can hit
You flounder in your little ship
While swirls and eddies strike with force
And sudden winds deflect your course.
Beneath its surface, fishes swim
Tenacious weeds grow round its rim
A rusty bike might form a brake
Amid cut glass and water snake...
Perils and dangers daily lurk
All may not be calm at work...
Two cancellations untoward
From different sectors; I was moored
My plans awry, my way ahead
Unclear; I thought instead
As I was caught once more in slime
How life can turn upon a dime ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
* "La vie est un long fleuve tranquille"

A peaceful, gently flowing stream;
There are times when hidden rocks can hit
You flounder in your little ship
While swirls and eddies strike with force
And sudden winds deflect your course.
Beneath its surface, fishes swim
Tenacious weeds grow round its rim
A rusty bike might form a brake
Amid cut glass and water snake...
Perils and dangers daily lurk
All may not be calm at work...
Two cancellations untoward
From different sectors; I was moored
My plans awry, my way ahead
Unclear; I thought instead
As I was caught once more in slime
How life can turn upon a dime ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
* "La vie est un long fleuve tranquille"

Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Isabella - all in Pink!
The year grows old – it's Autumn now
My little niece is growing fast
Where she lives, Spring greens on the bough
The time for all-day rest is past!
A modern Miss in every way
Isabella loves her brand new clothes
«Hey look, I'm all in pink today!»
In Europe chic from top to toes!
At ten months old, a fashion plate
'Wow' factor clearly fixed in place
What a cute model she would make
With sunny smile upon her face!
Proud Auntie just could not resist
These purchases in Belgian store
Pink loveliness I want to kiss
Methinks there soon will be lots more!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

My little niece is growing fast
Where she lives, Spring greens on the bough
The time for all-day rest is past!
A modern Miss in every way
Isabella loves her brand new clothes
«Hey look, I'm all in pink today!»
In Europe chic from top to toes!
At ten months old, a fashion plate
'Wow' factor clearly fixed in place
What a cute model she would make
With sunny smile upon her face!
Proud Auntie just could not resist
These purchases in Belgian store
Pink loveliness I want to kiss
Methinks there soon will be lots more!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Monday, 15 October 2018
A Word on Time
Time slips through our fingers
Or filters through the air
Sometimes there seems lots of it
Sometimes the store seems bare.
Money cannot make more time
It's equal shares for all
The rich and famous fight for it
They say they are 'time poor'.
There's always some in our account
But we've no time to waste
We try to make each minute count
But we can't stop the pace.
In a world when so much is unfair,
And disparity is great
Each day we're gifted that pearl rare
12 hours upon our plate!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Or filters through the air
Sometimes there seems lots of it
Sometimes the store seems bare.
Money cannot make more time
It's equal shares for all
The rich and famous fight for it
They say they are 'time poor'.
There's always some in our account
But we've no time to waste
We try to make each minute count
But we can't stop the pace.
In a world when so much is unfair,
And disparity is great
Each day we're gifted that pearl rare
12 hours upon our plate!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Sunday, 14 October 2018
At the Sunday Brocante
Light breeze and 26 degrees
Morning stroll through swirls of leaves
Blue skies project through despoiled trees
Artist's palette, nature's frieze...
Boulevard Souverain: bric à brac
Bowls, plates, cups, trays in awkward stack
Clocks, keys, gadgets, paperback
Funky clothes on outdoor rack...
If you search for bargains, do beware
Of the honeyed words of brocanteur
Who tends to claim the item's rare ...
As there's rough and ready everywhere!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Morning stroll through swirls of leaves
Blue skies project through despoiled trees
Artist's palette, nature's frieze...
Boulevard Souverain: bric à brac
Bowls, plates, cups, trays in awkward stack
Clocks, keys, gadgets, paperback
Funky clothes on outdoor rack...
If you search for bargains, do beware
Of the honeyed words of brocanteur
Who tends to claim the item's rare ...
As there's rough and ready everywhere!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Saturday, 13 October 2018
Presenting Boitsfort!
Indian summer - what a treat!
October warms our local street
Leaves and smiles in bright profusion
This year the weather's in collusion!
Morale is high but taxes too
Local elections hove in view
Democracy means many views:
Too many parties, whom to choose?
The rural atmosphere survives
On Brussels outskirts, no high rise
Schools and markets, leafy lanes
An enclave free of stress and strains!
Take Boitsfort on the forest rim
With Greens in power – will they win?
A quarter of our Commune's space
Is beech wood – life at slower pace...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

October warms our local street
Leaves and smiles in bright profusion
This year the weather's in collusion!
Morale is high but taxes too
Local elections hove in view
Democracy means many views:
Too many parties, whom to choose?
The rural atmosphere survives
On Brussels outskirts, no high rise
Schools and markets, leafy lanes
An enclave free of stress and strains!
Take Boitsfort on the forest rim
With Greens in power – will they win?
A quarter of our Commune's space
Is beech wood – life at slower pace...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Friday, 12 October 2018
The Wild and Unexpected
It's not that inspiration's lacking
But work commitments now get cracking
This autumn season has begun
With an Indian summer, bathed in sun!
Instead of winds, downpours and gales
Blue skies reflect the wispy trails
Of Magritte clouds that come and go
Shorts-clad commuters on metro!
Yet in Florida, beach fronts are cursed
As Hurricane Michael does its worst
Against God's wrath no warning bells
Stylish homes now empty shells...
Disaster strikes - torrential rain
Ten souls are lost: Majorca, Spain;
Natural phenomena headlines steal
The Grim Reaper stalks – for real!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

But work commitments now get cracking
This autumn season has begun
With an Indian summer, bathed in sun!
Instead of winds, downpours and gales
Blue skies reflect the wispy trails
Of Magritte clouds that come and go
Shorts-clad commuters on metro!
Yet in Florida, beach fronts are cursed
As Hurricane Michael does its worst
Against God's wrath no warning bells
Stylish homes now empty shells...
Disaster strikes - torrential rain
Ten souls are lost: Majorca, Spain;
Natural phenomena headlines steal
The Grim Reaper stalks – for real!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Friday, 5 October 2018
The Poet's Funeral
Today the fond farewell took place
Of France's favourite son, a face
Well known to all, whose haunting song
Brought solace to the grieving throng.
Aznavour caught the Nation's mood
His poignant words were never crude
He captured in a unique way
The human soul in raw display.
France gave his parents a new home
He made the Gallic tongue his own
Macron, French President, was wise;
He said «A Poet never dies!»
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Charles Aznavour (1924-2018) Died: 1.10.18. Funeral: 5.10.2018
Of France's favourite son, a face
Well known to all, whose haunting song
Brought solace to the grieving throng.
Aznavour caught the Nation's mood
His poignant words were never crude
He captured in a unique way
The human soul in raw display.
France gave his parents a new home
He made the Gallic tongue his own
Macron, French President, was wise;
He said «A Poet never dies!»
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Charles Aznavour (1924-2018) Died: 1.10.18. Funeral: 5.10.2018
Thursday, 4 October 2018
A Slice of News
Disasters everywhere you look
Whether TV, radio or Facebook
More tsunamis, thousands die
Sulawesi* open to the sky
Cut off by crumbled roads and flood
No fresh water, streams of mud ...
Stocks and shares in disarray
House bills rising every day
Nuclear reactors on the blink
Pure air levels slowly sink
Too much traffic on the roads
The fate of diesel now implodes.
Summer drought needs compensation
Farmers fume in irritation
Ever fewer car park spaces
The RER put through its paces ...
STIB strike – age for pensions rise
But this is Belgium – no surprise!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
*Along the Palu-Koro fault on 28/9/2018 - 5 aftershocks ...

Whether TV, radio or Facebook
More tsunamis, thousands die
Sulawesi* open to the sky
Cut off by crumbled roads and flood
No fresh water, streams of mud ...
Stocks and shares in disarray
House bills rising every day
Nuclear reactors on the blink
Pure air levels slowly sink
Too much traffic on the roads
The fate of diesel now implodes.
Summer drought needs compensation
Farmers fume in irritation
Ever fewer car park spaces
The RER put through its paces ...
STIB strike – age for pensions rise
But this is Belgium – no surprise!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018
*Along the Palu-Koro fault on 28/9/2018 - 5 aftershocks ...

Tuesday, 2 October 2018
R.I.P. Charles Aznavour (1924-2018)
Icon of three generations
Constantly on radio stations
With a voice that touched one's soul
It is for thee the bells now toll
Departing life aged ninety-four
The one and only Aznavour...
Son of Armenian refugees
Songwriter, poet – both of these
Charles captured France's sweet tristesse
Love's poignant moments he sang best:
'La Mamma', 'La Bohème' and 'She'
Much loved, much missed - by you and me ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Died 1st October, 2018
Constantly on radio stations
With a voice that touched one's soul
It is for thee the bells now toll
Departing life aged ninety-four
The one and only Aznavour...
Son of Armenian refugees
Songwriter, poet – both of these
Charles captured France's sweet tristesse
Love's poignant moments he sang best:
'La Mamma', 'La Bohème' and 'She'
Much loved, much missed - by you and me ...
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Died 1st October, 2018
Saturday, 29 September 2018
Carrot and Pumpkin
More leaves lie scattered on the ground
A hustling breeze rips each tree's gown
Amid the raindrops insects crawl
And the sad result is terrace sprawl.
Swept up and tidied – who would know?
One day on – the same old show!
That's Autumn's challenge every year
Chaos in this misty sphere.
We rug up well, as Aussies say,
The chill now with us every day
Although, and here I must be fair,
The burnished sun still warms the air.
Coral, orange, mustard, brown
All fashion tones on sale in town
I flick through racks of fast-made clothes
Pumpkin and carrot shades in droves!
In crowded metros I observe
That boots and sturdy shoes now serve
The Brussels early morn commute
Perhaps I too should follow suit!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

A hustling breeze rips each tree's gown
Amid the raindrops insects crawl
And the sad result is terrace sprawl.
Swept up and tidied – who would know?
One day on – the same old show!
That's Autumn's challenge every year
Chaos in this misty sphere.
We rug up well, as Aussies say,
The chill now with us every day
Although, and here I must be fair,
The burnished sun still warms the air.
Coral, orange, mustard, brown
All fashion tones on sale in town
I flick through racks of fast-made clothes
Pumpkin and carrot shades in droves!
In crowded metros I observe
That boots and sturdy shoes now serve
The Brussels early morn commute
Perhaps I too should follow suit!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Keyboard Magic
The poet's life's a lonely one
Trapped behind computer screen
While fingers tap out random thoughts
In a weird hypnotic dream...
In altered consciousness, the mind
Brings themes and feelings to the fore
Memories once left behind
Bounce onto the pitch – and score!
Scandals, celebs and fake news
Sweet beauty of an autumn day
Humour or some trenchant views
All form rhymes on my display.
I never know what I shall write
Or in what mood each day I'll be
But the wording seems to turn out right
And the person most surprised is – me!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

Trapped behind computer screen
While fingers tap out random thoughts
In a weird hypnotic dream...
In altered consciousness, the mind
Brings themes and feelings to the fore
Memories once left behind
Bounce onto the pitch – and score!
Scandals, celebs and fake news
Sweet beauty of an autumn day
Humour or some trenchant views
All form rhymes on my display.
I never know what I shall write
Or in what mood each day I'll be
But the wording seems to turn out right
And the person most surprised is – me!
(c) Poet in the woods 2018

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