Monday 28 December 2020

End-of-Year Review

In this wishy-washy time between

What is to come, and what has been

We let our hearts and minds look back

On how this year has gone off track.


A virus leak from Chinese lab

In “other news”, did not seem bad;

As feared Ebola had not spread

And each slept safely in their bed.


This time, the leak became a flood

What seemed at first a poisoned bud

Blossomed into worldwide threat

Ensnaring all lands in its net.


The travel industry declined

Culture in all forms was stymied

Health professionals bore the strain

A sort of Black Death once again.


Man likes to think that he’s evolved

And all such problems have been solved

But COVID puts him in his place;

How fragile is the human race!


Nostradamus was at pains

To foretell in brief quatrains

Pandemics that lay far ahead

But who believed his sharp street cred?


The rich and famous weren’t immune

Many sportsmen gone too soon

World leaders mask-less, caught the bug;

So, now we must beware a hug!

(c) Poet in the woods 2020

Nostradamus:  French philosopher & physician: 1503-1566



  1. I am impressed. You said it all.
    Proud to be part of your life.

  2. Year 2020 well summarized. Hope next year will be better.
