Wednesday 31 May 2023

June First - A Meditation

June tiptoes, sun-kissed, in our lives

Each morning gifts a bright sunrise

But while the weather brings us joy

Much is afoot that hopes destroy…


The Balkans powder keg spreads fear

Is Armageddon nearly here?

Kiev repels sustained attacks;

Sudan’s ceasefire shows more cracks…


The economy, in fits and starts

Upsets world climate apple carts

Power struggles come and go

Confusing social media flow.


Whom to trust? Now that is key

As finance markets seem to be

In a state of flux and doubt;

Is decency on its way out?


The insidious power of Internet

Means livelihoods are under threat;

What is real and what is show?

The future is not ours to know … 

(c) Poet in the woods 2023

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