Friday 9 October 2020

From Bad to Worse?

 How long must guesswork, trial and error

Fill our paltry lives with terror?

Zones change colour – green to red

Statistics muddle up our head.


In terms of taking trips abroad

Now that Corona stats have soared

Quarantine or take a test?

Who the Hell knows what is best?


In huddles politicians meet:

Curfews, curtailments in the street

Bars and cafés now stay closed

A tsunami of job losses grows.


The rainy days reflect our mood

Dampened and depressed, we brood

At present there’s no end in sight

Social bubbles are squeezed tight!


New 'add-ons' to our tribulation:

Solitude and hibernation

Pandora’s hope gift scarce survives

Wide cracks open in our lives…

(c) Poet in the woods





  1. Heartfelt! Glad you are still in my bubble even though we can't meet in a cafe (again).
