Thursday 23 May 2019

Feelings on Tap!

Our oceans choke with plastic trash
In behaviour terms it's rash
To clog our Planet with such waste
One word describes it - a disgrace!

Until we move out to the Moon
(Not planned I think to happen soon)
This World's the only one we've got
So this disrespect must stop.

In Belgium bottled water's seen
As chic and trendy - but not «green»;
Today this mindset is old hat
What's wrong with water-from-the-tap?

Have you seen the map which shows each site
Where water-from-the-tap's alright?
Our Belgian restaurants lag behind
It's time to change if we've a mind.

So much now on our future rides!
A concerted effort on all sides
Would give our Planet some respite ...
So let's do something that is right!

(c) Poet in the woods 2019