Sunday 1 November 2015

A Quiet Moment

Chrysanthemums in fits and starts
Their vibrant colours warm our hearts
The florists do a roaring trade
In graveyards everywhere displayed …

I see sad families make their way
United in their grief today
To remember those who've gone before
Sharing silence, feelings raw.

More poignant – those who come alone
To catch a glimpse of souls they've known
Re-kindling love within their heart
They capture briefly their lost spark.

Down the aisles I hesitate
To observe a name or read a date
Impressive stone, or new-turned earth
Many, foreigners at birth.

I reach the lawn with ashes strewn
Fifteen years gone by too soon ...
I let my heart a moment grieve
Then turn around and quietly leave.

(c) Poet in the woods 2015

November 1st - All Souls Day - is a public holiday in Catholic Countries.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful poem, and I like this new system of being able to immediately click in to your blog!
