Monday 30 October 2023

Emotional Missing Links

More years fly by, life takes its course

Friends lose touch, we feel remorse;

Did we forget that birthday card?

But making phone calls isn’t hard …


Down the line we’ve lost the thread

Found other things to do instead

Until a chance remark or date

Prompts us to communicate…


I cannot be the only one

Who, faced with much that must be done,

Has sadly put dear friends aside

Excuse -  I’m busy as a guide!


Today, to get in touch I try

But messages in Facebook lie

Unopened as friends aren’t on line;

More pressing things absorb their time.


So, I resolve to telephone

As many, like me, live alone

And then I learn some trauma reigns

Which their silence soon explains.


That all sands run out, we know

Always, Folks, it  has been so ...

But let us reach out, straws to clutch

And tell them that our hearts still touch!

(c) Poet in the woods 2023



  1. Love poem dedicated to our friends - how beautiful! Congratulations, dear Sarah!

  2. Another touching poem
