Thursday 20 July 2023

A Century - Not Out!

What can I say? I’m blown away

My Mum  - a hundred years - today!

Her century has turned to gold

Mary’s story should be told!


In Kenya she saw light of day

When the Empire still held sway,

But that is back in distant past

Which perhaps long shadows cast…


Among the coffee trees she grew;

In wartime she was dressed in blue;

Then made a cosy home for us

Born after the last wartime bus!


Australia let the good times roll

As a warm climate was her goal

Here family members and dear friends

Encouraged her to try new trends.


Her UK life seems far away

No family now lives there today;

Words fail me but I am so proud

To say: “I love my Mum!” out loud!

(c) Poet in the woods 2023

Mum at one hundred years old!

Kenya Coffee Plantation


  1. Happy birthday 💕

  2. Beautifully said about a lovely lady!

  3. Beautiful and loving tribute to your beloven Mum!
