Tuesday, 29 November 2016


A friend suggested that I write
A birthday ode – the day is right
Another year has flown on by;
To marshall all my thoughts I try:

A birthday means, we hope, warm wishes
But getting older ain't for sissies.
There are creaky, freaky moments new
We're relieved when old friends feel them too!

So should we look back and take stock?
Or just be grateful we still rock?
I think my memory's still good
My poems roll out as they should!

I guide and translate “à la carte”
Prompted by my Archer heart
My arrows – only words – strike home
Thanks to my blog – I'm not unknown.

Can I blow my trumpet on this day?
Thanks to all who pass this way
Jupiter's Girl likes to amuse
“Poet in the woods” is news!

(c) Poet in the woods 2016


  1. a bravo birthday ode to self... magnifique mon amie ;-) x

  2. A very nice poem. I recognise you in this poem.
