Saturday, 11 October 2014

After the Book Launch

Well, Blog, what can I write today?
The rain can't wash my thoughts away
It may be chilly in the street
But the warmth of friendship's hard to beat.

Picture, if you can, the scene
I have at last achieved my dream
I launched my first book Friday eve
An anthology for those who grieve.

Entitled «A Turn in the Road»
It charts in poignant, sombre mode
A journey many have to make
When someone dies; they re-create

In gentle steps, a world that's new
With no soulmate to see them through
Time passes, then doors open wide
So Hope and Joy can step inside...

Wow! Many friends came to the store
They brought out chairs and then some more
I read some extracts, as you do
And then observed a lengthy queue.

Now a published «poet in the woods»
Each day I come up with the goods
Somehow your attention I have caught
I'm honoured by your warm support!

(c) Poet in the woods 2014

At Waterstone's bookshop, Brussels - in front of my audience!


  1. Many congratulations Sarah, it is a joy to your friends to see your words in print. xxxx

  2. Keep going Sarah. When you're at the crossroads, the only way forward is.......forward. Red roses to you
