Saturday, 27 September 2014

Explaining the Unexplainable

I suppose, he said, you can explain
How you write, and make it plain
How you put your thoughts in words;
Is it an image that occurs?

Or perhaps an expression you have heard
An atmosphere that now has stirred
The deepest pool within your soul?
Tell me, I'd so like to know.

The poet sat awhile and thought;
It isn't something that you're taught
More a compulsion - you must write
Words appear and settle tight

In phrases long and short - plus clauses
Often with dramatic pauses;
An idea burgeons on the page
Who knows what prompts it at this stage?

But the brain untangles all the clues
Syllable scanning – is good news
I cannot tell you how it's done;
Eureka – here's another one!

(c) Poet in the woods 2014


  1. Nice! Re-posted here:
