Thursday, 13 March 2025

On the Cusp?

Mid-March but frost still dogs our steps

Though timid sunshine longer gets

I gaze into the misty sky

Scratched by bare branches but still dry.


Meanwhile on supermarket shelves

Chocolate eggs are sure-fire sells

Stacked high and swathed in cellophane

Easter beckons – on tight rein!


It’s tough to leave my cosy hearth

Clad in warm boots on woodland path

Each day more buds swell on the bough

Spring totters on the brink, and how!


Decision time – should gloves be worn?

I need a scarf to keep me warm

We’re on the cusp of season new

Spring cleaning beckons – I set to!

(c) Poet in the woods 2025

Wednesday, 12 March 2025

A Chill, or a Thrill?

Damn! Wasn’t Spring well on its way?

Today’s chill takes my breath away!

Nonetheless, a happy thought:

Crocuses now grace my walk!

Brussels – on occluded front

Means we poor souls bear the brunt

Of weather patterns untoward

But see the greening of the sward!


Mother Nature, resolute

For politics cares not a hoot

But spreads her largesse on us all;

No trade tariffs make her stall!


Buds peep out boldly despite mist

Birds twitter and enjoy their tryst

Each day more sunshine melts our blues

So, in a word, it’s all good news!

(c) Poet in the woods 2025

Thursday, 6 March 2025

The Political Seesaw ...

Protection and free trade ignite

Polemics worldwide; we sit tight

As worried Macron holds the reins

All this, our nervousness explains.


A new riddle by this Bard

(Who finds that politics are hard;)

The stakes are high – we’re on the fence

Must we now finance our defence?


War is such an ugly word

But given now what has occurred

There is a joker in the pack

So sadly, there’s no turning back…


“If you want peace, prepare for war”!

Old Julius Caesar knew the score;

Each generation finds it tough

Once more, our ball rolls in the rough…


Will the power of words persuade?

We’re crisis-ridden and afraid;

Uncle Sam and Russian Bear

Flex their muscles – so beware!

(c) Poet in the woods 2025

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

For Dolly Parton

 News flash!  The ending of a dream;

How sad for she who sang “Jolene”:

Death of her soul mate called Carl Dean

At eighty-two…

Though she has garnered worldwide fame

Her “Nine to Five” won’t be the same…

Now Dolly Parton’s long, long reign

Is tinged with blue.


This backwoods gal found love and care

From discreet husband, always there

Though never would he limelight share;

She stole the show!

As her career takes up first place

She lives life at a cracking pace

Not adding to the human race;

Hard choice, I know.


We think of her with piled-up hair

Hour-glass figure, in the glare

Of the spotlight, standing there

So self-assured;

But now the task that lies ahead

Is wrapped around with broken thread

As he with whom she was long wed

Is with the Lord…

(c) Poet in the woods 2025