Good omen – no clouds in the sky!
Australia stays warm and dry
So, what a lucky bird am I
To bathe in sun;
On Brighton Jetty – firework show
For seven minutes:“ Comme c’est beau!”
Spectators all with eyes aglow
Had family fun.
A few police strolled through the crowd
No alcohol on beach allowed
Though children “ooh’ed” and “aah’ed” out loud:
Stunning display!
Families sit on rugs, share treats;
Against the Norfolk pines one greets
Neighbours in the nearby streets
Parked far away…
Here, in the southern hemisphere
Outstanding sunsets, balmy air
As star-filled skies are never rare,
There’s space to breathe;
No snow, no mulled wine, no brash sales
Perhaps a small ship with full sails
In gentle breeze, not howling gales
As last year leaves …
(c) Poet in the woods 2025