Slip-sliding cobbles are no thrill
The shops display their springtime wear
But in this cold wind, I don't care!
Fur jacket to the fore once more
And leather gloves – my hands are raw
I observe the branches tinged with green
Twigs sway freely, no buds seen.
On a walk this weekend wrapped up tight
Winter jasmine – yellow aconite
And joy of joys! Bright daffodils
Nestling in the barren rills.
A heron swoops across the lake
Small ripples – a fish life at stake!
Nature tosses in her bed
Sparse rays of sunshine on her head.
From Weatherman: more of the same
This aching coldness is a pain;
I stop, stare hard and see blue sky
Fingers crossed that Spring is nigh!
(c) Poet in the woods 2016